[meteorite-list] Slow cooling rate of irons in space
From: Sterling K. Webb <sterling_k_webb_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 5 Sep 2009 00:14:40 -0500 Message-ID: <E724405E555A486FB729DF6469EBB6D9_at_ATARIENGINE2> Hi, Carl raises a lot of interesting points with his questions, some of them still unanswered. The cooling question, for example. The problem is not how do you keep it hot -- it's how do you cool it? Take a minor differentiated body like the Earth. Our iron core is plenty hot after 4.5 billion years of "cooling." But, as with all differentiated bodies, size matters. The smaller the body is, the faster it cools. A lot of the heat that melts cores (and planets) comes with their formation. It's been calculated that the kinetic energy of the impacts that accreted the Earth was more than enough to melt the planet, or at least the mantle! So, there's heat to start with. Then, there's the possibility of internal radioactive heating. When the solar system formed, there were a much higher proportion of short-lived radioactive isotopes that release energy as they decay. There was a measurable amount of Al-26, which rapidly decays into "normal" aluminum 27, producing a burst of heating. (There are a lot of arguments about where the Al-26 came from, but none about it being there.) There was also another intense short-lifer -- Hafnium-182 that may have heated bodies early on. At the start of the solar system, the proportion of Uranium 235 in "natural" uranium was much higher than today. Now, U235 is about 0.7% of a natural uranium sample. 4.5 billion years ago, it was 24%. That's enriched to the point that would be called bomb-grade or fast reactor fuel grade today! There was enough U235 in terrestrial uranium deposits for them to perk along as a natural nuclear reactor in the early days of the Earth. In Gabon, in Africa, there was a natural nuclear reactor that only quit running about 2 billion years ago. The uranium in the Earth contributes to its heat production, though again there are arguments as to how it does it. Where there are antineutrinos, there is actinide decay, and the Kamioka, Japan, detector counts about 16.2 million antineutrinos per square centimeter per second streaming out from Earth's core, the result of 30-36 terawatts of nuclear reactions. Again, where and how are big questions. Differentiation is when a body gets big enough to get hot at its center from the force of gravity-induced pressure. Iron in the rock-iron mixture melts and drips down to center forming a molten core surrounded by a melted (or almost melted) rock mantle. The rock on the outside cools and insulates the molten core., slowing its heat loss. We used to think only very big bodies could differentiate, but it seems that objects "only" 120 miles in diameter may have been capable of differentiation in the early solar system. Even small details have a big effect on slowing heat loss. It turns out that rocky dust and particles (regolith) is a very good insulator. Just a few feet of regolith helps keep a body warm. Whenever you pick up an iron meteorite, you are holding a piece of the formerly melted core of a differentiated body in your hand. Because I am biased toward physical processes, I would call any body that was big enough to differentiate a "planet." But there's another argument we're all too familiar with, so I'll just keep typing "differentiated body." But "planet" is so much shorter... The point about iron meteorites is that they are, for the most part, completely iron (and nickel and that stuff) -- they are 100% core material. We all know most meteoroids are chips off asteroids, so there must be a large number of iron asteroids, and -- there are. To have a 10-mile or 20-mile long chunk of differentiated body core orbiting, there must have been a once-differentiated body that was smashed into bits, or at the least chunks. And of course, there "worlds" that are pure iron. The asteroid 16 Psyche has the radar spectrum of pure refined metal and it's 260 kilometers in diameter! Is that a "stripped" core or did is form deep in the inner system, too near the Sun to be anything but iron-nickel? See, more questions... Whole "worlds" collided and destroyed. Well, how many such worlds were there? See, interesting questions always lead to more interesting questions. We divide up irons into three kinds, which correspond to a little nickel, medium nickel, and lots of nickel (hexahedrites, octahedrites, ataxites), but there are many other elements dissolved in the iron just as nickel is. Gallium, germanium, iridium are all tough and hard to melt, like nickel, but they dissolve into the iron melt without loss because of their high melting points. Gallium, germanium, and iridium exist in proportions that cover a wide range of concentrations. There's an iron (Butler) with 0.2% germanium and there are irons with 1/100000th of that amount. Obviously, they didn't come from the same core! Even gallium has a thousand-fold range. If you plot the abundances of all four elements, even allowing for poor mixing, you end up with at least 16 total different source bodies for iron meteorites. Well, Wasson decided it was 16 groups. Wow! 16 parent bodies! Well, no. There is a large group of irons that don't fit into the 16 groups. They not a 17th group; they're oddballs. None of them share enough in common with the other 70-80 odd irons to be related. They're orphans. Each is its own group. So, we have 16 parent bodies represented by 10-20 specimens and 70 or so that are the only representative of their parent body. That's 85 or 90 parent differentiated bodies that were disrupted. Personally, I think that the molten metal cores of rapidly spinning parent bodies would mix quite uniformly within a few millions of years, much less 100 million. There would be early vigorous convection, blah, blah. I think the estimate of <100 parent bodies is hedging. I think it's more like 200 to 250, but who cares what I think? (I get that figure by assuming that any elemental concentration variance in a "group" greater than an order of magnitude is "lumping" and the group ought to be split at that point.) Another point to be made is that even the smaller estimate of parent bodies for iron meteorites is noticeably larger than the number of parent bodies for stone meteorites. That could mean a lot of things. It is a puzzle -- more large disrupted differentiated bodies than there are surviving undifferentiated bodies (chondrites by definition have not been differentiated). Most early bodies differentiated? Most early bodies were destroyed? Obviously, the early solar system was a rough neighborhood. It takes a really powerful impact to fracture and splinter iron cores that were probably already cooled to solidity. Isotope dating helps place some of the events in time. Those IAB irons which are breccias of iron and chondrites? They have very old isotope dates; they formed very early in the history of the solar system, ancient events. Most irons have formation dates between 4.5 and 4.6 billion years ago. But others, mysteriously, do not. The Weekero Station IIE has a Rb/Sr age of only 4.38 billion years and the Kodaikanal IIE of only 3.8 billion years. I would sure like to know their story. And since Carl's original question was about mesosiderites, one last puzzle about them. The isotopic dates of mesosiderites (argon 40) cluster very tightly around 3.9 billion years old. Some attribute that to an immense collision and re-assembly between a naked iron core and a basaltic crusted asteroid, both of them of very large size. Others attribute the dating to the formation of the mesosiderites in a very large almost Ceres-sized asteroid with very, very slow cooling that was suddenly disrupted. One asteroid or two -- it must have been one heck of whack! Whenever you pick up an iron meteorite, you are holding a piece of the dead heart of a world... That's a thought. Sterling K. Webb ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Original Message ----- From: "Carl 's" <carloselguapo1 at hotmail.com> To: <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 8:18 PM Subject: [meteorite-list] Slow cooling rate of irons in space Hi Elton and All, I've read about the very slow cooling rate of the molten iron in various books but I don't understand why this is so. Why would it take millions of years for just a few drops of degrees? It's hard for me to envision this even accounting for bombardments and radioactive decay. Radioactivity from the original super nova event, right? Maybe it's because I think of space as being so darned cold it wouldn't take anything long to lose heat and freeze up. I realize radioactivity takes a long time to decay but would it take a lot or so little to keep a large planetary body hot for so long? Thanks. Carl Eman wrote: >I think this theory has a potential fatal flaw if what we think we know >about taenite/kamacite growth is valid. Without an insulating blanket the molten pool will not exist in a molten state long enough to permit crystallization aka Widmanstatten patterns. Be it remembered that Widmanstatten pattern/crystal growth is very very slow on the order of 10's of degrees cooling per million years. It is difficult to develop a scenario that integrates a large crater on an Goldilocks Asteroid which works.. .. _________________________________________________________________ Hotmail? is up to 70% faster. 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