[meteorite-list] Best ways to send payments from Canada toMorocco
From: Brian Cox <searchingforfun_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2009 16:39:50 -0600 Message-ID: <A0C0368E864C4CFBAE95C9CFAE0A20A4_at_user6e6e286533> Hi Melanie, I'm glad you are on top of this and that you are keeping in touch with the seller. I'm glad he's mailing back your postal money order. Hopefully the Moneyram will work out and he'll accept it as he said and you'll get your new meteorites. I wish you all the best and hope that you receive some really great and rare meteorites in the group. Have a great day! Brian ----- Original Message ----- From: "Melanie Matthews" <spacewoman2775 at hotmail.com> To: "Brian Cox" <searchingforfun at sbcglobal.net>; <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 1:15 AM Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] Best ways to send payments from Canada toMorocco Hi Brian, listers. Actually it was a postal money order that I mailed out to him (Mr. Abdellah Afiniss), and yes it included the cost of the stones plus the shipping costs. I asked him to mail it back to me and he said he did. Once I get the slip back I'm going to get back the money I put onto it and re-send the payment to him - probably via Moneygram (which he told me he accepts). At first offered me a lot total of 8.5 kgs of chondrites (all unclassified),, knowing full well I couldn't afford all that I circled some stones in Paint.net (free image editing program similar to MSPaint) that I wanted in the photographs, emailed back to him and kindly asked him to send me images of each meteorite I picked sitting on the scale to show their weights... I then worked out the prices until I made the final decition on buying five rocks together weighing 837 grams.. As I said he has been very cooperative, and I thanks him and I thank all here on the list for their input/suggestions! ----------- Melanie IMCA: 2975 eBay: metmel2775 Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09 Unclassified meteorites are like a box of chocolates... you never know what you're gonna get! ---------------------------------------- > From: searchingforfun at sbcglobal.net > To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 14:56:13 -0600 > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Best ways to send payments from Canada to > Morocco > > Hello Melanie and list, > > In regards to your question of sending payments to Morocco, I have to ask > a > couple of questions and others also mentioned they weren't clear on your > question since you didn't seem to be including shipping costs. I'd like to > help you out and I mean this in the most thoughtful and kindest way > possible, so please don't take it negatively or have any anger towards me. > Make sure you include shipping costs when you were determining the total > amount of the payment you need to send to the seller and then send a check > and then say you couldn't afford the FedEx shipping costs if that is what > you agreed to buy from the seller? You have said this in the past about > not > having money to pay for something or to pay for the shipping costs. It's > good to ask for help if you are not experienced in sending payments > outside > of Canada beyond Paypal. This sounds like you decided to send a check for > the meteorites and then were going to decide about a payment for the > "shipping" as a separate payment or to pay for shipping later on. Is this > why you stated you couldn't afford the FedEx shipping costs after you had > sent your personal Canadian paper check? This doesn't sound right why you > wouldn't determine the full amount due to the seller for the items with > shipping and or insurance and then send one payment and later decide you > couldn't afford the shipping costs they gave you. > > Also, you stated you sent a "Paper Check" which, as I am thinking is a > "personal check" from your personal Canadian bank account by what you > wrote. > I'm confused to why would you think that a personal check from your > Canadian > bank account would be "valid" as you say, to a dealer in Morocco, which I > am > sure it is valid in Canada and you have money in your account, but most > likely would not be accepted in Morocco or any other country? You don't > often hear of dealers in Asia, Africa, Europe or for the most part any > dealers in the U.S. or anywhere in North or South America or Australia > that > would accept a personal Paper check from a bank in a different country, > although it may happen. A check from a Canadian bank account or from a > U.S. > bank account or any personal paper check from any other country most > likely > won't be accepted unless they verified with their bank first that they > could > accept that check. An example would be if there was Citibank in Canada and > then Citibank in the U.S. would accept that check or Citibank in England, > etc. .I'm sure if the check was from a bank that had a branch in that > country that it would be accepted, but it usually creates a hassle and is > time consuming to stand in line or through an ATM. As several members > mentioned bank wire is the safest and then probably FedEx payment, but > sending a paper check or money order isn't a good idea as Gary mentioned. > > I would like to offer a friendly suggestion to help you out. Please make > sure you discuss all the facts and figures with any dealer/collector > anywhere in the world before closing a deal. Remember you are entering a > contract with this dealer, whether it is on ebay or through their website > or > through correspondence with the dealer. On ebay this is stated as you are > entering a contract so be mindful of this. You need to finalize all costs. > You need to get the full amount that you owe in writing, email, etc. for > the > meteorites and any insurance and shipping and then you need to first > discuss > the method of payment to that dealer before you send any payment. I think > your first mistake here was that it sounds as if you didn't determine the > full costs of the meteorites with shipping, then you didn't ask the seller > if he or she would accept a "Personal Paper Check from another country. I > think you will have much better luck and increase good relations with > dealers through online sales, ebay and through the different meteorite > lists > you if you slow down and get the facts before making purchases and > payments. > > As you have written on your posts the equivalent of The Tom Hanks > character > from the Forest Gump movie, "Life is like a box of chocolates." You need > to stop and think that your eyes are bigger than your stomach and stop and > think of what you are wanting to bid on or buy first and how to pay for > it. > There is an old saying in America that you may or may not know in Canada. > "Your eyes are bigger than your stomach" which roughly means you saw the > food on the menu and you ordered all that looked good to eat, but your > stomach wasn't big enough to eat it all and you became very full before > you > could finish the meal. This is the same as the child that fills their > plate > up and can't eat it all at home. This also goes along with shopping at the > store when you are hungry and buying too much, as in buying more goodies > than you needed. In this case looking at meteorites you want to buy and > then > not carefully researching making a payment and then feeling full of > frustration and aggravation at how to make the payment or what road to go > down. I truly hope this helps in the future. > > Have a great day! > > Brian > > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Best ways to send payments from Canada to Morocco > > > > Hi list, > > Please help - I mailed a payment to a Moroccan dealer for a lot of > chondrites via a paper check, he got it today, but he told me that the > banks > over there don't recognize it even though it is completely valid. I can't > afford the shipping costs through FedEx for the lot I want - which will be > over $200 CND... so what other less expensive options do you suggest? > > Thank you in advance > > ----------- > Melanie > IMCA: 2975 > eBay: metmel2775 > Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09 > > ______________________________________________ > http://www.meteoritecentral.com > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list _________________________________________________________________ Ready. Set. Get a great deal on Windows 7. See fantastic deals on Windows 7 now http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9691818= Received on Fri 13 Nov 2009 05:39:50 PM PST |
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