[meteorite-list] Ash Creek Prices.
From: Greg Stanley <stanleygregr_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2009 10:42:06 -0800 Message-ID: <SNT117-W199C2883E425465F6F40BD2B10_at_phx.gbl> <456462.77680.qm at web46409.mail.sp1.yahoo.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable MIME-Version: 1.0 Wow: What is it about Ash Creek that gets people so bent.=A0 I went there and fo= und one stone in three days.=A0 I must say that being a meteorite dealer so= unds like a tough business - especially now with the economy.=A0 I can cert= ainly understand the secrecy since this is some peoples' livelihood and the= y do invest a lot of money.=A0 I agree with Sonny=2C anyone can go hunt met= eorites=3B all they need to do is do the research=2C and spend the money an= d time to travel.=A0 I do it for fun and relaxation=2C and not for profit.= =A0 I guess with all this - the demand for Ash Creek will continue to climb= . Greg S.=A0=20 ---------------------------------------- > Date: Wed=2C 4 Nov 2009 10:11:19 -0800 > From: star_wars_collector at yahoo.com > To: meteoritehunter at comcast.net > CC: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Ash Creek Prices. > > First off=2C I would like to say I am not whining. I did not make any per= sonal remarks towards you=2C and you are totally out of line... > The ONLY remark I made with your name in it was about Carancas and your e= xperience. Perhaps you took that as negative=2C it was not. I was offering = my opinions as to what helped push Carancas to the $100 mark. > > I made comments that reflect my opinions on this issue=2C and I understan= d that they are not popular with some=2C but as I said=2C this is the resul= t of what I have seen and the impression I have been given by watching some= of the discussions on this list. > > The issue concerning you and Steve=2C while I know nothing about it=2C di= d that need to become public issue? This even=2C you could have easily sent= me an email off list. Instead you take the oppertunity to publicly flame a= nd insult me. Over what? My opinions that certain meteorites are overpriced= and artificially inflated? > > I understand the costs involved in hunting can be high and I never have d= isputed that. > > As I said before=2C I have been into meteorites for all of 3 years. I wil= l be the first to admit that I dont know all of the details. I am trying to= understand them and the politics involved in meteorites. > > I want to ask=2C is it really good to show the conduct you do to new peop= le trying to learn? Sure=2C my opinions may be incorrect=2C but the actions= you just showed has only reinforced my feelings to a degree. > > You could have left out all the personal remarks and been just as effecti= ve. Instead you choose to take shots at me for my feelings... Way to go. > > Greg C. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > --- On Wed=2C 11/4/09=2C meteoritehunter at comcast.net wrote: > >> From: meteoritehunter at comcast.net=20 >> Subject: Ash Creek Prices. >> To: meteoritekid at gmail.com >> Cc: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com=2C star_wars_collector at yahoo.com >> Date: Wednesday=2C November 4=2C 2009=2C 9:44 AM >> #yiv576588598 p >> {margin:0=3B} >> Geg and Jason=2C >> >> Greg's whining is out of control. >> Ash Creek was perhaps overpriced at $100 per gram for >> stones larger than a gram or two. However=2C you are acting >> like every person there came home with pockets full. >> Give me a break=2C most people were lucky to go home with >> 3 or 4 small stones=2C 90% under 10 grams. >> I am sure you are both smart=2C so do this=2C check on >> airplane tickets=2C o say from California to Dallas Texas. >> Short notice tickets were expensive=2C I am sure no one paid >> less than $300 to $400.00 >> I myself=2C on three trip there=2C spent more than $1500 on >> tickets >> Car rentals for me for one month=2C more than >> $1200.00. >> Hotel=2C more than $2000.00 >> Food I dont count since I eat anywhere. >> Not to mention that little thing called my time=2C more >> than 20 days of hunting=2C time when I could make no other >> sales. >> >> THOUSANDS on expenses=2C I found all of 20 stones. I >> walked more than 200 miles (320 km) to find those stone. I >> want to keep almost all=2C so there was about 5 stones I was >> willing to sell. >> WOW=2C I guess I should have put $5.00 gram on those >> stones an made about $200.00 >> hmmm=2C that would not even be worth my time to >> package them based on expenses. >> Now=2C take most people who went home with say 5 or 6 >> stones=2C perhaps $1200.00 in expenses=2C and most stones 2 or 3 >> grams were the norm. Again=2C not even making expenses back >> and we worked our asses off to find those little stones. So >> people set the price in the $100 gram range=2C and buyers paid >> it. >> >> Prices have dropped now because collectors have all the >> Ash Creek they want apparently. I was in Munich last >> week though=2C and I had no ash creek for sale and was >> asked by several people for it. >> >> Greg stop your crying=2C it is really getting old=2C >> and I am not sure if you have noticed=2C but a large number of >> people have dropped off the list=2C it has become a pitiful >> place full of whining and crying and little else. >> Get over yourself. >> >> You want to find the Benson fall=2C get off your ass=2C as >> we said months ago=2C get out here and look for it. What do >> you want=2C for me to drive you to the strewnfield and >> hold your hand while you search? Should I give you my single >> piece I found because you want it? >> You are no being resonable or logical. When the >> coordinates are published=2C you are welcome to hunt all you >> want. >> Michael Farmer >> > > > > ______________________________________________ > http://www.meteoritecentral.com > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list =20 _________________________________________________________________ Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection. http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/177141665/direct/01/= Received on Wed 04 Nov 2009 01:42:06 PM PST |
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