[meteorite-list] Carancas: Arsenic smell ?
From: Dave Gheesling <dave_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2009 06:58:02 -0400 Message-ID: <63C891143D6F422CB61A86FB305A5A10_at_meteorroom> Jeff/All, Thanks for that link. I was trying to add pressure to friction from an earlier post, and your link is super... Much appreciated, Dave -----Original Message----- From: Jeff Kuyken [mailto:info at meteorites.com.au] Sent: Friday, March 20, 2009 2:11 AM To: dave at fallingrocks.com; meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Carancas: Arsenic smell ? Hi Dave, > I believe fusion crust is created not only by the heat of atmospheric > friction but also by the heat generated through high pressures, the > latter generated by a column of molecules simply not having the time > to "get out of the way" being rapidly compressed rather than smoothly > displaced. This was actually discussed several years ago here on the list. Space.com also wrote about this in a "myths" article around the same time I think it was. http://www.meteorites.com.au/odds&ends/myths.html Cheers, Jeff ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dave Gheesling" <dave at fallingrocks.com> To: <cynapse at charter.net>; <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> Sent: Friday, March 20, 2009 3:34 PM Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Carancas: Arsenic smell ? > Darren/All, > > The thinner atmosphere on Mars -- and the lower minimum atmospheric entry > velocity due to its gravity -- should only mean that the modeling to > produce > surviving meteorites that look "just like they look on Earth" would be > different for Mars re: entry velocities and angles, etc. Presumably this > data already exists, and if anyone has seen it please pass it along... > > I believe fusion crust is created not only by the heat of atmospheric > friction but also by the heat generated through high pressures, the latter > generated by a column of molecules simply not having the time to "get out > of > the way" being rapidly compressed rather than smoothly displaced. > Regardless, ablation is indeed a fact. Meteorites don't enter our > atmosphere attached to spheres, and presumably that artificial contraption > may have made for a different-than-typical result. > > Think horse, not zebra, and think Occam's Razor. There is no doubt much > left to be learned, but extraordinary claims require extraordinary > evidence. > An open mind is essential, but I'm not sure a predisposition to assume the > utterly remarkable is called for here just yet. I would also like to hear > from potential resources who might be holding off on the publication of > something fascinating; if memory serves, it was essentially the lack of > agreement on the "impact structure" in Peru that led to the digging in of > heels on opposing sides, but I was unaware that uncovered anomalies may > not > yet have been published and would very much like to learn more... > > All best, > > Dave > www.fallingrocks.com > -----Original Message----- > From: meteorite-list-bounces at meteoritecentral.com > [mailto:meteorite-list-bounces at meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of Darren > Garrison > Sent: Friday, March 20, 2009 1:07 AM > To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Carancas: Arsenic smell ? > > Off-list argument relisted because-- well, the content has great potential > for much wise input from other list members. > > On Thu, 19 Mar 2009 20:11:45 -0700, you wrote: > >>Lets back up a bit here. You know very well that my posts usually argue >>against what we think we know. I think there is an over average amount >>of guessing in meteoritics when compared to other Sciences. >>There are a great deal of things that we simply have no way of knowing. >>There is a well known photo of a meteorite sitting on Mars. We know >>it's a meteorite because it looks just like they look on Earth. Why is > that? >>Do they Ablate the same while traveling through Mars' atmosphere? > > Answer-- no. Mars has a much, much, much thinner atmosphere than Earth. > There will be ablation, but not to the same degree. > >>this ablation question came up was to question whether or not we know >>what meteorites look like prior to entry into Earths atmosphere. > > Many asteroids have been imaged while in space. Some have been studied > from > close-up. Some small ones have been photographed very near earth. We > know > what THEY look like in space, and have no reason to assume that the ones > that happen to intersect with Earth's orbit would look different from the > others. Moreover, none of the asteroids we photograph in space have > anything resembling a fusion crust, nor do we know a mechanism by which an > asteroid is space would require a fusion crust. Moreover, even if a > meteorite HAD a crust formed over it in space, the crust meteorites is > composed of the same material of which the meteorite is composed (or an > oxidized version of same) -- material with a melting point far below the > temperature meteorites are known to experience as they pass through the > atmosphere. Therefore, any crust formed in space would burn off during > atmospheric entry. > >>I mentioned this study to point out that not all material ablates to >>form a fusion crust that would change it's appearance. > > That may be what you meant-- but it is NOT what you said. You said that > ablation did not take place, which is not true. Not only were the samples > ablated, but they were improperly placed on the heat shield so as to not > be > at the maximum heat point where they were supposed to be-- ablation would > have been even higher (possibly complete) if the samples had been properly > placed. AND at least one of the samples weren't properly assembled so as > to > protect the bacterial samples on the bottom (and who knows what happened > to > material lost > completely): > > http://www.cosis.net/abstracts/EPSC2008/00407/EPSC2008-A-00407-1.pdf > > >>at some point in their journey. And by the way the wind pressure while >>traveling out to space could have done this damage to the rocks. > > No. > >>We cannot assume the ablation was caused by reentry at all. > > Yes, we can. > >>In fact because no black crust appeared we can say that this experiment >>proved nothing about the actual cause of black crust at all. > > We know what causes the black crust-- melting of the meteorite's surface > due > to the heat of atmospheric friction. > >>Maybe if they had fusion crust prior to reentry they would have ablated > less? > > No. Because the fusion crust is made of the exact same material as the > rest > of the meteorite, with the same melting point. If anything, it would have > began ablation MORE QUICKLY because the black crust would absorb more > heat. > Basic physics. > >>looked like prior to entry. I went on to point out that we have all >>seem pictures of meteors fly across the sky only to re-exit our >>atmosphere. > > Okay, I'll give you that one. One of the rare meteoroids that enters the > atmosphere deep enough to start ablating but then skips back into space > likely has a fusion crust. A fusion crust formed by Earth's atmosphere, > like other fusion crusts. > >>survive while others don't. Maybe something else gives them this tough >>surface we call fusion crust? This is one of the questions I have . > > The fusion crust isn't tough-- it is a very thin, very fragile thing that > weathers away very quickly if the meteorite isn't found and "rescued" from > the weather. > >>Another is why have we not figured out an easy way to authenticate >>whether a rock is even from space. > > And there never will be a easy way-- if it looks like a meteorite to > someone > who knows meteorites, well, then it can be tested. But any meteorite that > looks just like an ordinary rock, in an area where you would expect to > find > ordinary rocks, will sit there forever without being tested. > >>Moon rocks the only way to tell them apart is by chemical analysis. >>So, you find a rock from the moon with no crust all scientist assume it >>is from Earth. > > Not always true. As Randy Korotev himself pointed out once on the list > when > discussing possible lunar breccias, a lunar breccia will have random sized > pieces (some very small, some very large) that are not rounded-- > terrestrial > sedementary breccias will usually have all the pieces of a similar size, > with rounded surfaces. Look at photos of lunar breccias on google and > you'll see those features. > >>coating. If there were an easier way to tell them apart we would find >>them. > >>I have rocks that look just like the collections of Moon rocks but >>unless you can find a scientist to study it , it will never be discovered. > > There is an old saying-- "if you see hoof prints, think horse, not zebra." > (Of course, that wouldn't apply in Africa.) You must look at mundane > explainations for something before you start looking at exotic ones. > >>I am not trying to disprove any science I just want to wake up a few >>scientists to realize that we don't know everything yet. > > Yes, there are countless things that are not known to science. The > temperature at which a given mineral melts and the temperature that a > meteoroid is subjected to as it passes through the atmosphere are not > among > those unknowns, however. > If you have an ice cube, and you put it in a room where the temperature is > 80 degrees F, that ice cube is going to melt. If you take a rock with a > melting point of 1,000 degrees F and subject it to frictional temperatures > of 3,000 degrees F, that rock is going to melt just as surely as that ice > cube in a room. > There is no "ablation theory of fusion crusts" any more than there is a > "melting theory of why my ice cube is a puddle"-- it is a simple fact > based > on knowledge of the materials that compose a meteorite and knowledge of > how > much frictional heating a meteoroid entering the atmosphere would be > subjected to. > >>You have a way of pushing buttons but of coarse that is what you live for. > > For some, "pushing buttons" seems to mean "disagreeing with what you say, > and saying so." > >>you live for. Isn't it? The stuff I said about Cosmo chemistry is true >>but as soon as a scientist publishes it the community will be up in arms. > > Again, "if you see hoof prints, think horse, not zebra"-- the chances of > making a monumental new discovery are much lower than the chances of > having > just another H4-5. If anyone involved in studying Carancas who has found > "inexplicable cosmochemistry" in it that they are "unwilling to publish", > is > reading this, can't you at least mention it here? > ______________________________________________ > http://www.meteoritecentral.com > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > > ______________________________________________ > http://www.meteoritecentral.com > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > > Received on Fri 20 Mar 2009 06:58:02 AM PDT |
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