[meteorite-list] Weird Connections?
From: Eric Wichman <eric_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 10:13:32 -0700 Message-ID: <49B942BC.3010501_at_meteoritewatch.com> Over the last few months we've all witnessed, read about, and/or seen videos, articles, and new reports about all the meteorite news happening all over the world. I'd like to concentrate on the USA for a second though. Has anyone noticed the coincidences in the falls, fireballs, names and locations of the most recent meteor and meteorite activity in the United States? For Example: West, Texas - FALL - L6 Chondrite (Witnessed Fall; newest recovered fall in the world) First piece found near Cottonwood Rd West, Texas meteorite - Many pieces were found in Cotton fields... ;) Westchester, NY - Fireball Sighting - There is a Cottonwood Rd very close to the radar image of this event. (within a few miles) Cottonwood, CA - Unidentified object from sky destroys car in Cottonwood, CA Meteor Crater - Within 100 miles of Cottonwood, AZ If you do a search on Google for Cottonwood meteorite you'll of course find the Cottonwood H5 meteorite. http://www.encyclopedia-of-meteorites.com/test/cottonwood.jpg And recently, a fireball report was filed on my site stating and I quote "..I heard the loadest bang on my roof and immediately a small branch from a cottonwood tree high overhead landed on my windshield..." (Of course this is not a meteorite, but a falling branch. Nonetheless the coincidences are uncanny... ;) A cottonwood tree? I mean come on, what are the chances? lol I say everyone in the USA who's interested in witnessing meteor fireballs and finding meteorites should grab their camera equipment and meteorite stick and stakeout any road, highway, tree, city, town, village, church or any other public or private building or landmark with the name Cottonwood. According to the data, the chances are good that you might just witness a new meteorite fall! Silly? You decide... lol ;) Regards, Eric Wichman Meteorites USA www.meteoritesusa.com Received on Thu 12 Mar 2009 01:13:32 PM PDT |
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