[meteorite-list] A question?????
From: Sterling K. Webb <sterling_k_webb_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 18:16:08 -0500 Message-ID: <1F55EE12433F4C039B35A72B265B8EAA_at_ATARIENGINE2> Let me get this straight. We have (in no particular order of favoritism): Terrestrial meteorite, Tellurite, Terrenite, Terranite, Earthite, and possibly Gaiaite or Geoite. So, when a "meteor" of Earth origin is travelling toward becoming a "meteorite" of whatever designation, is it referred to as: a Terrestroid? an Earthoid? A Telluroid? A Terranoid? Or possibly a Gaiaoid or Geooid? All these Earthican languages, and this is the best we can do? Sterling K. Webb ----------------------------------------------------------- ----- Original Message ----- From: "Mexicodoug" <mexicodoug at aim.com> To: <Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> Sent: Saturday, June 06, 2009 5:40 PM Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] A question????? > Hiho Mr. Martindale, (Isn't Miss Martindale a Tellurian? UK humor) > > The adjective already in the language defined in the more limited > manner we want is TERRENE. So throw out TERRAN and use TERRENE and I'm > fine, are you? > > --------------------------------- > > I didn't think so... all right...mmmm, I'll plug and grind away at > some of your reply which seemed to unnecessarily and possibly > incorrectly to look to Latin to make up words and take the ancients > out of context ... > > Back to reality, and plain English. (The Italians can debate whether > Terran works for them, but that seems like a silly argument for > English. "Terran" is not a generally accepted English word that evokes > sci-fi to meant it was not my intent to make up new words when > sufficient words already exist in plain English - that was the real > reason I called it a "sci-fi" word. I do not feel it is in a mere > mortal's place to modify the dictionary any more than a fire hydrant. > > TERRESTRIAL is the word, if we didn't happen to live here and already > have plenty of uses for it w/r to meteorites and geology IMO - it > seems you are sympathetic to the idea that "terrestrial" has > meteorwrong, pseudometeorite, etc. as unwanted confusion and baggage. > Besides since all the Inner planets are terrestrial, they are > terrestrial meteorites if you want to get picky, vs. cometary, etc. > Then weathering, terrestrialization ... Just way too much confusion. > > So I > think TERRENE and TELLURIAN (consistently defined as from earth > without inventing a new word) are both fine and not exclusive (of > course not, they are words common man has every right to use) any more > than calling something a Martian meteorite or a Mars meteorite - where > both descriptors are OK. If you want to look for obscure or invented > words, TERRAN is great, too, I suppose, as long as you find one first > and publish the precedent. Else, I don't agree. > > Quoting Cicero (unless you mean the guy from Sky & Tel), won't get you > any points unless you do a dissertation on what was going on in > people's minds back then! Earth was an element, comparable to air and > water, not a planet in a modern sense. > > How do I know Cicero wasn't being sarcastic? Your liberty with the > translation of the word dicitur, you try to pass it with authority(!) > as nominative and tending to exclusive...hmmm.... perhaps is just > means "say", as in this land for which we say dirt? I don't see it > very important either way as there is no need to be dweebish (the word > you were looking for) by taking quotes out of context of a near dead > though beautiful language since OE and Webster's dictionaries have all > we need in boldface. > > In German, Terran might be the right word - no problem! As for the > comments about the "poetic negative" for tellurian, you totally lost > me there and let me add gender as a factor, is Terran more > macho and Tellurian more effeminate and is that you basis - well, > earth out to be effeminate as it is named after a woman...like Venus. > Mars is masculine sure... I already gave you the support of the > periodic chart of the elements tellurium ("from the earth"), which > should be enough to earn a place. It may be that some Germans think > the entire English Language sounds poetic compared to theirs! When you > discuss by some weird logic I don't follow that this poetic stuff > extends to it being the goddess as opposed to the planet, I only wish > Mr. Peabody were here to send you to have a face to face with the > Legions in the WayBack Machine, the you could see that the planets got > their names from Gods that represented them, like Jupiter, Mars, > Mercury and Venus. Do we call something Jupiteran or Jupiterian? No we > call it Jovian. Why? Because it is the word in the dictionary, from > Jove, btw, the "poetic" form of Jupiter. That's how adjectives can be > ... For parallel logic, you can't help but trip over "Tellurian". > > I think you would find that the ancients had no reasonable vocabulary > to describe adjectives for the Earth as a planet because regardless of > what shape they thought it had, it was still the the point of > reference for the Universe, and was a different animal from the > planets they named. That is why terra means dirt in Italian and > Portuguese today. > > At best it would probably have more to > do with the concept of "the world" Mundus or whatever the Latin folk > have. The English word for that which has as one definition meaning > terrestrial is mundane. So if you want to add "MUNDANE" to the pot , > be my guest. And Earth Meteorites seems fine too :) > > You might take a look at this which I just found, and I was happy to > see the sci-fi comment by whoever wrote the current version: > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lexicography_of_Earth > > Best wishes, > Doug > > > > > > > > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Martin Altmann <altmann at meteorite-martin.de> > To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > Sent: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 9:12 am > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] A question????? > > > > Hiho Doug, > >>the name of the planet "Terra" is more based in science fiction of >>some >>authors these days rather. > > Cicero: "ille globus quae terra dicitur.." > That ball, we call Earth. > > In principle "tellus" and "terra" are synonyms, > but "tellus" is more poetic, means more the goddess, the Earth as > center of > the world, in opposite to a celestial body; > > while "terra" means more the physical matter, the Earth as whole > physical > entity (in fact as planet, as celestial body, if they wouldn't have > had a > geocentric system)and also as one of the elements (water, fire..). > > Although for the elements only, there for was also "solum", means also > earth, used, > especially in opposite to the element water - see also today "solid". > =0 > AAnd additionally in the meaning of "land" "ground", "bottom". > > Finally there is still "humus" for earth. > That means earth in the sense of the hierarchic system of the spheres, > where the sphere of the element earth was in the center of the > universe, > (below the sphere of water, below the sphere of air...). > So it means the lowest, the inmost. (humble, humiliate ect.). > > "Tellurem pro terra posuit, quum tellurem deam dicamus, terram > elementum." > Maurus Servius Honoratus (a grammarian around AD 420) > > > Uh my Latin... well he says, fort he goddess "tellus", fort he element > "terra". > > Hmmm I would say, from the Roman ancient world until the modern times, > "terra" was more in use to denominate Earth as planet. (Also because > of the > Christian tradition, as "terra" is used in the Latin bible. See also > Augustinus). > > So perhaps we should stay with Terra? > > The adjective to Terra in Latin would be "terrenus". > So probably "Terran meteorite" would be correct. > > Exist also Latin "terrestris", but that means rather "located on > Earth, part > of the Earth", > so we could leave "terrestrial" for pseudo-meteorites. > > (btw. Mars, Martis --> Martian. (Martinus, says Martin, the Martian). > Mercur, Mercuris ---> Mercurian. Venus, Veneris ---> Venerian. (cause > I > read somewhere Venusian) Hmm the Doug "Dawn"-space probe is on the way > to > Vesta. Vestalian meteorites sounds a little bit....) > > > Uuuuuuh, a posting like from one of those class mates from th > e 1st row, > you never wanted to be friend with...(Don't know the right expression. > Geek? > Swot?..) > > Have a nice weekend! > Martin > > > > > > -----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht----- > Von: meteorite-list-bounces at meteoritecentral.com > [mailto:meteorite-list-bounces at meteoritecentral.com] Im Auftrag von > Mexicodoug > Gesendet: Samstag, 6. Juni 2009 09:34 > An: jgrossman at usgs.gov; Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] A question????? > > Dr. Grossman wrote: > > "I think most scientists would call it a terrestrial meteorite, or > perhaps a terran meteorite." > > Hi Jeff, > > Definitely those are viable options, though I think this subject would > spark more debate than Pluto, Plutonian and Plutonic in these extended > circles if it ever had a type specimen. > > I think the name "TELLURIAN", the adjective (From TELLUS[Earth]) might > be another option, and perhaps more harmonic. > > Given the confusion and stigma with "terrestrial" in meteoritics > frequently being used to describe meteorwrongs, I think this third > choice could be considered on equal footing without having the > baggage. > Do I recall many scientists objecting for example to the useage of > "plutonic" as an adjective for Plutoness? > > Utilizing Mars as an example and considering the name of the planet > "Terra" is more based in science fiction of some authors these days > rather than "Terra Mater", the Roman goddess. As for Terran, it sounds > a bit far fetched to me, but hey... > For meteorite collectors who will no do > ubt be the first to collect > these so far legendary things, it seems our examples: > > martian meteorite (martian for short) > lunar meteorite (lunar for short, ocassionally the throat-twisting > lunaite) > ...why not: > tellurian meteorite (tellurian for short) > > Tellus, the equivalent Roman Earth goddess as Terra Mater, which > further rounds out the Earth-panteon of Roman possibilities, seems > almost a natural option > and probably just slipped your list. > > I didn't mention tellurite since there is already a mineral named this > with a cool blue subadamantine sheen...chemists (who as we know > generally don't get no respect from geologists) that discovered the > metallic element opted for Tellurium to name it after Earth, of > course, > for similar considerations we have now, and probably too avoid > confusion with terrariums, those fish tanks filled with dirt. > Ironically, Earth's crust is astonishingly poor in this element, vs. > meteorites and the cosmos in general. Well, they were chemists after > all. So "Terran meteorite" might have an edge here is you like to say > Terraite three times fast. (If someone likes tongue-twisters, how > about, five times fast, "Terr's Tertiary temper terrified Terry the > teary Terran from Tetroe." got to roll the rr's ad pronounce it > Tee-troe. > > Anway, tellurian and terran sounds like great candidates to me. > Considering the hard sound of Terran, which sounds a lot like "dirt" > (real dumb joke alert) and might give us customs problems when we get > our space faring > passports or ship meteorites around the Solar system, > not to mention hurt meteorite dealers' sales... > > In any case, I'll wait for the first guy who breaks the myth and > recovers material for science to Tellus what to call it. (oops, never > hear the end of that one) > > Hoping to escape this heat and join the Telluridian Festivarians for > the Solstice, > Doug > (chemist) > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Jeff Grossman <jgrossman at usgs.gov> > Sent: Fri, 5 Jun 2009 5:12 am > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] A question????? > > > I think most scientists would call it a terrestrial meteorite, or > perhaps a terran meteorite. > jeff > Pete Shugar at clearwire.net wrote: >> We have the Martian type meteorite, and we have the Lunar meteorite >> and last, the asteroid 4Vesta meteorite. These we know where they >> come from. Now the question---given enough energy, can a meteorite >> hit earth and eject debris which (maybe) land on the moon or Mars? >> What would we call such a meteorite---Earthoid, or maybe Earthite? >> Just contemplating my navel here. Pete >> ______________________________________________ >> http://www.meteoritecentral.com Meteorite-list mailing list >> Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > > -- Dr. Jeffrey N. Grossman phone: (703) 648-6184 US Geological Survey > fax: (703) 648-6383 > 954 National Center Reston, VA 20192, USA > ______________________________________________ > http://www.meteoritecentral.com Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > ______________________________________________ > http://www.meteoritecentral.com > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > > ______________________________________________ > http://www.meteoritecentral.com > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > > ______________________________________________ > http://www.meteoritecentral.com > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > Received on Sat 06 Jun 2009 07:16:08 PM PDT |
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