[meteorite-list] [off-list]<--NOT WHATS WITH THE ATTACKING
From: John Gwilliam <jkg2_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 14:02:29 -0700 Message-ID: <20090723210239.QHMV20430.fed1rmmtao105.cox.net_at_fed1rmimpo01.cox.net> Jason, Sounds to me that you've taken several semesters of BLATHERING at Berkley. John Gwilliam...a man of few words At 01:04 PM 7/23/2009, Jason Utas wrote: >Elton, > > > Jason wrote: "Posting messages that were intended to be kept > private to the list is wrong - unless they are necessary in proving > a situation such as a deal gone wrong, or cheating having taken place," > > > > So Jason which of your listed situations applies to what you've just done? > >You're the one who supported Tom's post. How's it feel to have the >same done to you? Given your response, I don't think you liked it. >It proves my point. If I'm wrong for doing it, Tom was wrong for >doing it. Transitivity. > >a = b >b = c >ergo >a = c > >(!) > > > Were you drunk or has that testosterone problem flared up again? > >Yeah, I may be in college, but not all of us do rubbish like that. >Maybe the fact that it's Berkeley has something to do with it. There >are at least a few smart-ish people up here. >That said, given your response, I think it's a bit odd for you to be >bandying about testosterone as a cause for anything; unless your balls >have dropped off, it's as much a cause for your writing as it is for >mine. >Unless you're going senile, of course. > > >You are so predictable-- You attacked Tom, for posting private > emails to the list and within 6 hours you've done the same thing. > >Yes, because I've done this in the past....not. It proved my point, >at any rate. If I'm wrong for doing it, then Tom was wrong for doing >it. Tom is still wrong. And if you learn that, and Tom learns that, >then this won't ever happen again. > > >You've really let me down--I expected it within no more than 4 > hours! Just as predictable, you didn't have the guts to mail me a > copy directly. > >Emailing directly means nothing when you send a copy to the list, FYI. > You posted this message to the list as well as myself - I got only >one copy, as gmail consolidates things like that into one message. >Maybe your email works differently, but the messages should still >arrive at the same time, give or take a few minutes (at most), so it's >a moot point, regardless. > > > You've proved what I said about you was right on -- you are > incapable of having a man-to-man direct discussion, so you have to > enlist the entire list hoping someone will help take the heat off > your hypocrisy. > >Yeah, just look at everyone stepping in to help. Oh, wait. No one >ever steps in. Check the archives. >I did get a number of private emails though. All supportive save two >(those two = 1/4 of the messages received). >Maybe I just want them to see what kind of a person you are. >I wonder why that would work to my advantage, eh? > > >Put up or shut up. > >After your last spew of psychological BS, I think you're really not in >a place to be saying anything along these lines at the moment. > > >Show me you've got a pair and address me directly and off > list. Stop bothering the list with your co-dependency crap. > >Hardly. If you insist on propagating this anti-Steve/'I'm better than >you' rubbish, it's staying here. I'm not letting you get away with >bullying me in private, undoubtedly ignoring the issue in the process. > >After all, we're still talking about your conduct with regards to the >Steve issue, which is...kind of a list issue, assuming, at least, that >you're not as stubborn as Steve is, and might change your ways. >After all, the only reason I say take the Steve stuff off-list is >because its being on-list doesn't serve any purpose; he doesn't care. >You say you do care. Maybe you'll shut up. > > > Your discourse started me reflecting. I've 186 or so semester > hours, postgrad Clinical psych, plus 6 months of internships with > sex offenders in southern prisons, state mental hospitals, > Alzheimer victims and Chronic DUI offenders so if you want to > debate such content, lets form a group at yahoo and have at it but, > this isn't the place for it. (NOTE: I have grounds a plenty to > justify my preference for meteorites over that for humanity). Oh > and you've had what...a self awareness class? Did you pass? > >First- off, I guess I'm glad that you're so accomplished in the field >of psychology, but it seems that you've forgotten some of the basics. >Back to the textbook, eh? I'm assuming it's been a while since you >learned the stuff. > >I've only taken Psych 1 at Berkeley and some research work on five or >so studies. Just the standard pre-major (not the other one) general >psychology class. Of course, if any of my points were incorrect, you >may by all means quote me to point out which of my statements >regarding the psychological aspect of our discussion was in fact >wrong. > >By all means. > >I mean, just saying "you're wrong" without saying how or why doesn't >get anyone anywhere, especially when I refuted every one of your >points - it sounds like you're copping out. > >But looking at your actions from a psychological perspective, I mean, >honestly - you were just trying to use the vocabulary of a subject >about which you assumed I knew nothing in order to make me seem the >weaker person. The trouble is that I knew/know enough to throw your >BS back in your face, and now you're circumnavigating your previous >point because you know you can't win if you try to keep it above >water. Classic bullying technique. >Attack until the person is down and then kick 'em while you can. >But I fought back, and held you off, so now you're completely changing >the subject and coming at me with something else. >This is just going to be like every other thread we've had where you >make some stupid statement, I refute it, and then you just go on >arguing some new idiocy. > >In other words, you're a Troll. > >http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_(Internet) > > > Oh! and even though you try to bait me out with false statements > here, recheck your claims next time you do post to the list... > >Really? Which one(s)? > > >Other than ask in a general way for us all to avoid list > confrontations over personalities and keep to collecting or > commerce issues (which YOU projected to be a post solely about > Steve), I've posted nothing to the list about Steve since the > temporary eulogy when he "left" last time. > >Right, as I would expect. Steve's leaving meant no more issue with >Steve, for you. Now he's back. Why on earth would you have posted >malicious thing about him after he was gone? It wouldn't have served >your purpose of demonizing him, because then people would have thought >you the worse man - if they didn't/don't already. > > >Put up or shut-- show me the specific post you ramble on about; I > know you keep all mine in your scrapbook. > >Which post(s)? We've had this argument several times, and you know >it. You can get to the archives just as easily as I can, if your >memory is still failing you. > > > Seems clear that now it is you doing the "Steve postings" just > like he likes it to happen and tying to make trouble by > deliberately distorting reality. > >But from a psychological perspective, your posts do the same thing. >You have your point, I have mine, and we're arguing about who's right. > The situation we're discussing is the same, but we see it in >different ways (hence the distortion). If anything, your pointing >this out is ironic because, as a psychologist, you should know how >arguments work, and yet you're trying to use the point that I'm >distorting things to make it sound as though I'm the only one doing it >in order to profess my point of view. >Ahhh, the irony! >Or maybe it's just you being hypocritical again - I think this is a >grey area, but it depends on whether you're pointing out that I'm >distorting reality versus if you are directly making an accusation. >If you're accusing me of doing it, then you're a hypocrite because >you're doing it too. If you're just pointing it out...well, you're >just pointing out that I'm doing something that we're both doing. >Ironic when your point is that I'm being the worse person for doing >it. > > >Your post speaks for itself and you've done an excellent job of > illustrating the validity of what I wrote (off list) to you--about > you. I rest my case. > >And the fact that you consider it such a horrible thing simply proves >my point that Tom was wrong in doing it in the first place. > >Ergo: Win. > >Jason >______________________________________________ >http://www.meteoritecentral.com >Meteorite-list mailing list >Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list John Gwilliam Too many people were born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple. Received on Thu 23 Jul 2009 05:02:29 PM PDT |
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