[meteorite-list] A Challenge: re Meteorite Limericks
From: Michael Blood <mlblood_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 17:37:23 -0700 Message-ID: <C68CFED3.5A88%mlblood_at_cox.net> The Limericks have been quite enjoyable. It occurred to me in my Hammer book it would be cool if each Hammer had a limerick. So, I contacted a couple of people who wrote excellent limericks about Hammers. . Publication of the hammer book is AT LEAST a few months away, as I am on a VERY heavy schedule trying to get finished with my ASPECTS OF ORIENTED METEORITES and I am certain The hammer book will involve more research on my part than I have Yet done, not to mention writing it all up. I have been amazed at the amount of work that has been going into publishing a the orientation book - Even after you are all "done" writing and working on photos. Geoff Notkin and others warned me, but there is nothing like actually doing it.... Anyway, here is the deal with the Hammer Limericks: 1) Anyone may submit limericks about any hammer 2) If you want a list of ALL the hammers write me - or you can also see Most of them at: http://imca.repetti.net/metinfo/metstruck.html 3) If you would like a more complete list and additional information, Email me with "Send Hammer List" in the Subject box (I will send one Right off to you as an attached "Word" document. I do not have any time To write a civilized conversational response now, though, as I am working as fast as I can on the Orientation book, determined to have it out before The fall semester which starts in only about 5 weeks.) 4) You can send your limerick(s) in any time - I will save them all. Please TITLE them by name of the fall. So I can easily organize them. Also, please Write your name, "by XXX" after the limerick. 5) All limericks used will include the name of the author if used. 6) If you are submitting a limerick for use in the book, please do NOT post it to the list as well. 7) The person who has the most limericks chosen will receive a low number, Signed copy of the book. (I intend to number the first 100 copies purchased Directly from me and to be given to a few people who have helped me out a Lot - you can read about them in the "acknowledgement" page of the book) 8) I am assured by every meteorite book author I have ever Spoken to they are happy IF they just get their own investment back, so, there will be no financial compensation for those who submit limericks - just the pleasure of being part of the book "reading your name in lights" So to speak - and getting a free book if you are the "winner." Hope this sounds like fun - at least to some of you. I really enjoyed the limericks to date. Best wishes, Michael Received on Wed 22 Jul 2009 08:37:23 PM PDT |
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