[meteorite-list] Meteorite Men Promotion
From: bill kies <parkforestmet_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2009 04:13:57 -0500 Message-ID: <SNT102-W25A0A888CFA3234DD9DDB9A2220_at_phx.gbl> Spam > From: MeteorHntr at aol.com > Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2009 01:04:54 -0400 > To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Men Promotion > > Hello List, > > I am sending this out without Geoff's review, without his editing and > without his approval. The opinions shared below belong solely to me, and do > not necessarily reflect on the opinions of this meteorite list, our TV > network or our sponsors. :-) > > Due to much of the feedback I have received, there is a lot of support for > what we doing with the TV show and our promotions. There is no shortage > of good vibes coming our way. For that I am grateful. Thanks. > > Of course, most of the people who are close friends of ours are more in on > the details of what is happening with us, while others that are more > removed might be seeing things from a skewed perspective. > > Let me take a little time to explain the journey I have been on, much of > which includes Geoff as well. > > Back when Phil and I found the Brenham Main Mass in 2005, we hired Geoff > Notkin to help us with a press release and with fielding media inquiries > that the buzz was creating. I have not had much experience with professional > full time public relations experts, so I don't know what they are all > capable of, but in my opinion, what Geoff did was outstanding. > > With a carefully crafted press release, and with him manning the phones > and the emails, we got some very good coverage of that find. In Public > Relations, it is my opinion that it is not an exact science. While some things > lead to another, often it is a combination of things that lead to other > breakthroughs. > > I think it is more a strategy of "throwing as much mud up as possible on > the barn wall and see what sticks." One can send out 100 press releases, > but it might just be one place that runs with it, then like a wild fire it > can take off...or it can still fizzle out. > > Here is how our story went. With the Brenham Main Mass find, we sent out > a press release, that led to the ABC affiliate in Wichita wanting to air it > as their the story of the night live. Since they used a satellite uplink > to broadcast it live from near the find location, it was open for all the > other networks to rebroadcast it. The Weather Channel ran a blurb on it > about 3 am the next morning. Then the NBC Today show did a live broadcast > with me that weekend. > > The newspaper story in the Wichita Eagle paper might have had a > contribution to the Today Show being interested because as that took off on the AP > and via the Drudge Report (and it's 10,000,000 viewers a day) so that first > print story end up running in over 300 papers world wide. The Today Show > led to a couple other things. And we continued to pursue the idea of the > story of the find to be featured in a TV show. We contacted Discovery, > History Channel, Nat Geo, Science Channel and some other obscure networks, all > with no avail. > > Then seemingly "out of the blue" Travel Channel called us. Travel > Channel? What in the world would the Travel Channel want to do with a meteorite > story? Sure, the meteorite traveled a long way to get here, but still? > > Well, the producer told us they were making a show that was about treasure > hunting where families could do what the host does and have a real shot of > finding something worth money, and they loved the Brenham story. I > cautioned them that what we were doing at Brenham really isn't what the average > family could do on the weekend to make money, and the producer quickly shot > back "Oh, we know that, but this story is so cool we want to do it anyway." > > The way the production company found out about us, wasn't initially from > the other media, but from someone in the meteorite world that tipped them > off. But I am sure that the previous media reports helped establish our > legitimacy as a good story. > > In the mean time WIRED Magazine ran a feature story on me that lead to a > segment with Geoff and myself on the pilot TV show of WIRED Science on PBS. > That led to the L.A. Times doing a front page story about me. Then the > morning the L.A. Times story ran, Ruth Riven, an executive producer at LMNO > Productions in L.A., sat down to breakfast and opened her newspaper. > > Ruth read the story and thought "Hey, maybe a TV series about meteorite > hunting could work?" And she contacted me. > > Now, leading up to that, Geoff and I were pumping different angles for TV > promotion. After doing the Cash and Treasures program, we thought we could > do a TV series, at least we wanted to give it a shot. We talked with the > field producer of the Cash and Treasures program, and he liked the idea. > Well, he at least said he liked the idea, and the idea was put on the back > burner until our episode actually aired 8 months later. > > After our episode ran (and re-ran) with the 15 other first season shows, > we were told the Meteorite Hunting episode consistently did double the > ratings of what all the other shows did, and that the whole series itself was a > hit. For some time there, Cash and Treasures was one of Travel Channel's > anchor shows. > > After the ratings came back, Indigo, the production company who made Cash > and Treasures, all of a sudden really DID like the idea of a pitching > Meteorite Hunter's series to different networks. So off they went to pitch it. > I am convinced they did their best, but for whatever reason, their best > wasn't good enough. Maybe it was just timing. Who knows? > > So, after being disappointed with a dead end once again, the call from the > LMNO producer in L.A. seemed to come "out of the blue," and she asked me > if I had ever thought about doing a TV series? I asked her if she saw Geoff > and I as guests on the Travel Channel, and she had not. We told her about > it, and that in fact, Geoff and I had given it a LOT of thought about > doing a TV series. We told her that the other production company had pitched > it, with no success, but she and her boss still though it was a good idea, > and they had a lot of conviction that they could make a pitch that might be > bought. > > Meanwhile, Geoff had kept plugging away "throwing mud up on the wall" > every chance we could get. We were also trying to promote the sale of the > Brenham Main Mass directly and eventually at auction during all this time. > > So Geoff and I gathered all our ideas together and sent them over to Ruth. > They sent a producer to the 2008 Tucson Gem show to get some tape of us. > They used that to throw together a 5 minute "pitch DVD" to send to the > different networks. Three networks were interested enough to meet with us in > person. So, about this time last year, Geoff and I flew to Washington D.C. > to meet with executives of the 3 different networks. We came home to hear > two were interested and one very interested. The Science Channel made the > production company the best offer, so our production company made the deal > for the pilot. > > A deal was struck to shoot a pilot with it being open that we might do a > series if the pilot went well. Last October we shot "Meteorite Men" in the > field. Then on May 10, the show aired for the first time. > > While Geoff and I love the Science Channel, we started to get a little > frustrated. They asked for extra footage so a promo commercial could be made. > Our production company understood the network was all excited about the > show and even decided to run it during sweeps. This was a double edged sword > as ALL the other networks were pulling out the stops to run their best > shows at the same time and all the others were busy promoting them > extensively. We could easily do bad against all that competition, but if we did good, > it would look real good. > > About a week out from the May 10 airing, not a single promo commercial had > run on the network. No press release by Science Channel. I don't know, > maybe that was their strategy, to toss the "child" in the lake and it would > either sink or learn how to swim without any help? > > In any case, Geoff and I finally realized that if there was going to be > any promotion, it would be up to us. Fortunately, G.I.A. did a press > release, that probably helped a little that last week before the airing, but it > was basically all on us. So we launched an all out attack. We started > networking, with friends, family members, our customers, anyone we could. > > Of course, those of you on the Meteorite List got a front row seat to all > of this. In fact, many of you chipped in and helped. You linked our > newly launched MeteoriteMen.com site to your sites to help with our Google > rankings, and some of you sent out notices to people you know. Geoff had been > writing for some time with massively popular Geology.com and they eagerly > agreed to assist us in several ways. > > Some may criticize us over our promotional efforts, but we saw this as our > one chance at a series. Pass or Fail. No in between. Actually, there is > a bit of an in between. With Science Channel being on cable, they will > rerun the pilot show many times whether the series would get picked up or not. > But while the one show was nice, we wanted more. We wanted a series. > > Now we find ourselves 62 days out from the first airing and a few weeks > ago we got word that the network was interested in a first season of 30 > minute shows. Then they came back and said they wanted 60 minute episodes > instead. For those of you who don't know, things in show business travel real > slow, with lots of red tape, then all of a sudden they want all their > episodes delivered in an almost impossibly short period of time so they can get > them up and running generating ad revenue. > > Well, we are now very close to a signed deal. Everything is agreed upon, > and we are waiting for signatures on the paperwork for our first season. > Part superstition, and part reason, says announcements shouldn't be made > until AFTER the ink dries on the paperwork. But we have known for a little > while now that we are heading for a series. > > So, if anyone out there thinks we are going to let up now on our > promotion, you are freaking crazy. If a few competitors get upset with us, well > tough. > > I found myself in Baltimore all of a sudden, chasing this new fireball. > Baltimore is just down the street from the international home office for > both Science Channel and their parent company Discovery Networks. Are we > going to mention the show when reporters talk to us? On a front page story? > Hell yes we are! > > Is that the "only reason" I headed to the northeast? No. I really want > to find this rock, if possible. But I also want to get exposure while it is > being offered to us on a silver platter. > > "A rising tide lifts all ships" as the saying goes. Some dealers that > like to squeal because they are so "sick of Meteorite Men hype" should realize > that their bank accounts are fattened by any good exposure we get. > > Now some people might argue that the "Meteorite Men" show was a bad show. > Or some might feel that it was bad exposure for the industry as a whole. > OK. If that is your stance, make your case if you will. But trust me, > Geoff and I are not able to capture all of the sales that will come from all > the new meteorite collectors that will come in from us being on a series. > > A series is such a huge step up from a "one off" show. > > It is my opinion that a TV series could easily bring in 1,000 to 10,000 > and maybe even more new collectors over the next several years. If just a > tiny fraction of 1% of viewers decide to start collecting meteorites, being a > dealer is going to be fun. > > Yes, there will be more hunters generated at the same time. And there > will be more dealers generated as well. > > But in the past it has seemed like all the dealers were fighting to get a > bigger piece of the limited pie. > > May I suggest that all the dealers stop thinking of getting a bigger piece > of the small pie. Let's start thinking about making the pie bigger! How > about let's start a bakery and start making pies! > > Will Geoff and I give it our best shot to capture as many of those new > collectors as possible? Of course! In our pilot, I mentioned something about > Ebay. I didn't do that by accident. Does it then make sense that I would > continue to promote on my Ebay lots as well? > > But we are under no delusions that we can supply every one of the new > collectors with every specimen they will ever want. There will be plenty of > business for everyone. > > The way I see it, this is Geoff and my best, and really our only shot at > taking this to a new level. If it doesn't happen now, the odds of us or > anyone else getting their own series is really low. It isn't because we are > so great, or that anyone else couldn't do it better than us. It is just > that it took SO much to build up to this point. For someone else to do what > we have done to get to this point, almost 4 years after the Brenham find, is > hard to imagine. > > One reason it has been so hard is because we are breaking new ground. > > No one has done this before. > > In fact, the Main Mass find story in the Wichita Eagle got more website > hits than any other story in the history of the newspaper! Who would have > thought it? > > The Wichita paper did 4 or 5 follow up meteorite stories, and each one of > them got the top hits for the paper for that week, and sometimes for that > month. They were all scratching their heads. > > The Cash and Treasures show, same thing. Wow? Go figure? > > Then the pilot, against all odds, hit the ball out of the park. > > If we fail now to get a series, or we get it, and it doesn't continue to > do well, it sets a precedent that this new type of show just can't make it. > > Now, do Geoff and I get all of the credit? Hell no! > > If it wasn't for hundreds of other people, there is no way this would have > happened. In fact, maybe some of you that sent out Facebook and Myspace > notices to your friends because we asked you to, might have talked a friend > with a Neilson Box on their TV set to watch the show. One Neilson person > represents, I don't know maybe 50,000 or 100,000 viewers or something > obscene like that in the ratings. > > I strongly contest any suggestion by anyone that word of mouth "hype" > didn't help us. In fact, with a poorly promoted first airing, it is hard to > say that anything else did work. > > So when a certain meteorite dealer comes on this list whining like a > little spoiled brat, it almost makes me want to turn it all up a notch just for > the fun of it. It is kind of like teasing the monkey at the zoo who throws > crap at people. > > But in the event there really are some of you that are concerned, I have > taken the time to write this. > > Let me address a few other things while we are at it. > > The "Meteorite Man." > > In my book, there has only been, and there will only be one "Meteorite > Man" and that is the great Bob Haag. One day, when I grow up, I hope to be > half the Meteorite Man that Bob is. In fact, if everyone in our business > would stop and say "What would Bob do? in whatever situation we are in, we > would all be better off. > > Bob has done more for our industry than anyone else alive. Next to Harvey > Nininger, we all owe the most gratitude to Bob for all he has done. > > It was not Geoff's idea, and it was not my idea to use the name "Meteorite > Men" for the show. Understand this, we signed a contract to do the shows > before there was any name and before there was any deal with the network. > The suits at the Science Network chose this name, not us, and not our > production company. In the industry, we are called "talent." (Please no jokes, > it is just the term they use.) Geoff and I are not writers, producers, > editors or executives, we are the talent. We do not own the show. While we > have some input on ideas, and where we want to go to hunt, that is about > all. > > Now, the smart people at the network could have chosen "The Meteorite Peo > ple" or "The Meteorite Hunters" (but I think the copyright wasn't available > on that one) or "The Meteorite Guys" or "The Meteorite Boys" or the "The > Meteorite Boyzzz" or any other name, but they chose "Meteorite Men." > > Now, when we knew the name was narrowed down to a few options, we ran out > and bought all the appropriate URLs just to be safe. When we got word that > it was "Meteorite Men" we were ready to build our meteoritemen.com site. > > And to be honest, Geoff and I are indeed: men. And we are into > meteorites. As awkward as "Steve Arnold of Meteorite Men" or "Geoff Notkin co-star > of Meteorite Men" may sound, it is who we are and it is the show we are the > co-stars of. > > Speaking of the terms "star" and "co-star" if anyone has a problem with > those terms, we don't really have alternatives when it comes to our role in > the show. Sorry. > > That is what we are. We are not "hosts" like Becky Worley was with Cash > and Treasures was. We are not "expert guests" like Mini and Laurence were on > our pilot. We are not "bit actors" or ones with "supporting roles" as a > drama might have. And since we are not acting, we are not "Leading actors" > either. > > It isn't an ego thing. We could be the "stars" of a lousy show. Being a > star doesn't mean we are good at it even, just that we are in that role. > > Now, if we start using the title "super star" you all might want to get > concerned for us. > > I would hope no one gets their panties all in a bunch over something as > trivial as that, but just in case I thought I would clear that up. If anyone > has a better term to use, please offer it. Unless we get one, "co-star" > is probably going to be what stays on our business cards. > > And as for marketing and using the publicity for profit, all I can say is > "God Bless America!" > > Of course we are going to do that. In fact, I think we haven't done > enough of that yet. At least my bank account isn't reflecting that I am doing a > good enough of a job of it...yet. > > Geoff and I made up and sold out of our Brenham part slices in Lucite. We > plan on selling other meteorites and things in the near future. In fact, > I am about to put some "Meteorite Men" Collectible Limited Edition > meteorites up on Ebay very shortly. I was going to hold off on them for a while, > but now that I know one brat is "sickened by all the hype" I am almost > obligated to do it now. > > I understand that some of you are so close to the forest that you can't > see the trees. Or is it that you are so close to the trees that you can't > see the forest? Anyway, you know what I mean. The Meteorite World has heard > a lot about "Meteorite Men" the show the last 3 months or so, but 99.9% of > the rest of the world hasn't heard anything about it yet. > > In fact, there were probably more people reading the meteorite story with > the mention of the TV show on the front page of the Baltimore Sun on Friday > than all the people who have tuned into see the actual show on the 8 times > it has run already. > > Hopefully Science Channel will start promoting the show when the first > season starts to air. Hopefully the popularity will take on a life of it's > own, and we can sit back and just ride the wave. But we have come too far to > quit promoting now. > > I know this has been a long post, and thanks for bearing with me through > it. > > If any of you have any other concerns, feel free to write me off list and > I will be happy to address them. > > Thanks, > > Steve Arnold > of Meteorite Men > > > > **************An Excellent Credit Score is 750. See Yours in Just 2 Easy > Steps! > (http://pr.atwola.com/promoclk/100126575x1222585090x1201462820/aol?redir=http://www.freecreditreport.com/pm/default.aspx?sc=668072&hmpgID=62&bcd=Jul > yExcfooterNO62) > ______________________________________________ > http://www.meteoritecentral.com > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list _________________________________________________________________ Windows Live? 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