[meteorite-list] new morrocan falls bottom line
From: habibi abdelaziz <azizhabibi_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 2009 04:59:40 -0800 (PST) Message-ID: <779703.66593.qm_at_web62008.mail.re1.yahoo.com> matt wrote; For the record, I have 3 Moroccan sources that I trust. Enough to wire 10s of thousands to them. Each has said that this IS a new fall, quantities are "small" (open to interpretation). I would assume that means under 40kg for Moroccans. If they are making up stories then my business will end as I do not want to do business with liars. Time will tell. _______________________________________________________________________________________ matt and list , i m not starting here a crusade or a battle, i was reporting fact as soon as i ge them,and the list deserve that, in the bigning i sad there was a new fall that's its true, i was told 20 kilos? see the archives; i sad in the mean time i m not selling this material.until analysis are done and the tkw?is? known, ask all the list member if i ever send any photo to anyone to sell something, so? im out of this. back one IMPORTANT QUESTION WITHOUT HASSLE AND WITHOUT FIGHT A LOGIC QUESTION? WHAT IS THE TKW????? that's make sens 1 + GREG SAD HE WAS OFFERED 30 KILOS 2 I WAS OFFERD TO SELL 5 KILOS AND I REFUSE SEE THE ARCHIVES??? 3 WITHOUT NAMING PEOPLE THERE PEOPLE THAT HAS 20 KL 30 KL AND MORE 4 LET'S SUPPOSE I DO NOT KNOW THE TOTAL TKW ???, PROOF TO THE LIST I M WRONG ?guys tell us what do you have? what are you selling than how many kilos you have , if its the 40 kilos that matt wAs told ?the tkw there plenty more. easy many list member know. 5 if the tkw is small wait and sell it for high price than i loose and i will quiet collecting meteorite forever and i quiet this things i love; _ but if the tkw? is 100's like i sad than? please i ask every body here to be honest and fair and to tell the trued. 6 last year because someone that i trust lied to me i lost 15000$ buying mali? and lost over 80000$ buying other stuff because there is always more,and more we can't say nothing more show up each day but i lost money and this the money of my children, im a dealer and i m not here to sell popcorn i m here to do the right thing, i have over 600000$ meteorite that i can show here on the list, waiting for better time the dollar the price and this the case for many friend dealer outside morroco;that's not fair FOR ME AND FOR THEM??. i m here to sell but there many ways to sell meteorite to be fair offer and demand and the ethique of sales? and there is always many sellers of popcorn every where, 7 everybody is pissed off because of the tkw and the broken stuffs they found one broken edge is 50 cm what the main mass will be 100 kilos or less or what???? 8 last year when mali show up i told here on the list that there was more than 100 kilos and there was a battle no one remember now?and Again they say no but i was right,see the archives again bassikounou was more than 200 to 300 kilos. each month more show up. 9 , matt was told by 3 guys 40 kilos tkw that is unacceptable. 10 mike farmer was told a ton that's also unacceptable. 11 let's See this outside the angle; if there is a small TKW why there is a fight you should save your stone and sell them for 100$/150$ gr. WHY YOU HURRY UP SELLING ? LIKE IF A RABBIT IS CHASED?? SLOW DOWN AND WAIT but?IF ?the TKW AND THE CLASSIFICATION IS FINISH AND THERE IS 100'S LET'S GO BACK THAN TO 20 CENTS ???? MY BOTTOM LINE ON THE SUBJECT With my? respect to every body, let's be wise and patient time will tell and the news that cost money today are for free next day so do not insult your self , by pretending what is true and what its not take me for my word if there a small TKW I WILL QUIET THIS BUSSINIS??? BUT BE AWARD IF THERE IS MORE AND MORE SHOWING UP I WILL TREAT YOU WELL. AND I WILL PROOF IT? and let's start from the first 100 kilos and more you loose THAN ? sorry to have been long ,I ?lost a lot of money in falls and i have been hurt for nothing , i was in the middle if a battle? i have to inform the real fact to the list THAT DESERVE IT and also protect the market , those two equation doesn't work together, i sad ther is a big tkw please proof to us that? im wrong and tell us what is the TKW??? aziz habibi ___________________________________________________________________________ Received on Sat 17 Jan 2009 07:59:40 AM PST |
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