[meteorite-list] Listoids - review of australian moveable heritage legislation - all oz listoids indeed any listoid should make a submission
From: Bob WALKER <qwalkra_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2009 15:31:38 +1000 Message-ID: <DFDF3816B1494A48964FA24C366D4150_at_your0a700f0aaf> Notification - Review PMCH Act [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]Listoids There be a review of the Australian Moveable Heritage Legislation - see letter below This is particularly important for Listoids - Australian Listoids who may wish to export Australian meteorites and international Listoids who may wish to import Australian meteorites... I've put the two enclosed pdfs on my website and youse can view them at http://qmig.net/Fact%20sheet%20PMCH%20Review%20Jan09.pdf and http://qmig.net/PMCH%20discussion%20paper%20Jan09.pdf This is quite separate from some of the (I believe) repressive State Legislation - but it is a start point and any useful changes can be used as a start point to lobby against the relevant State Legislation Personally - I believe that export of meteorite specimens worth under $15000 should be allowed in much the same way that exxport of gold nuggets under this amount is allowed - except perhaps for very scientifically significant specimens or planetaries I also believe that the long winded export application requirements should be devolved to the State Museums as delegates to streamline the process The endstate of the current legislation has meant that as Martin Altmann has said - that Australia is now a backwater in terms of research and that only 7 new finds have been submitted to metsoc in the last 10 years The current legislation has also led to a culture of secrecy and not reporting finds or encouraged another subculture of illegal export - hardly the intent of the original proponents If you care about our small meteorite community and if you still wish to add Australian meteorites to your collection - I urge you to make a submission Cheers letter anouncing the reviw below... I am writing to advise that on 15 January 2009, the Hon Peter Garrett AM, MP, Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts announced the review of the Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act 1986 (PMCH Act) and the Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Regulations 1987 (PMCH Regulations). The Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts is undertaking the review in consultation with the National Cultural Heritage Committee. An important part of that review process is consultation with and input from key stakeholders. Your input to the review of the PMCH Act and the PMCH Regulations is invited. We would appreciate your comments on the issues raised in the attached discussion paper, and any other matters of concern in regard to the operation of the PMCH Act and the PMCH Regulations. Please note that the closing date for submissions is 6 March 2009. It is anticipated that the review will be completed by 31 May 2009. A fact sheet on the review is also attached for your information. Further information on the review process, as well as a link to download additional copies of the discussion paper, is available on the website at: www.arts.gov.au/public_consultation. Should you require a copy of the discussion paper in rich text format, or a printed hard copy, please either reply to this email or call the review Secretariat on 1800 115 771. If you have any questions about the review please contact Ms Caroline Greenway, Director, Cultural Property Section, Collections Branch on the above number or email pmchreview at environment.gov.au. Yours sincerely Marion Marion Garratt Secretariat Review of the PMCH Legislation 16 January 2009 Received on Fri 16 Jan 2009 12:31:38 AM PST |
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