[meteorite-list] Four Things to Ponder

From: Kevin Kichinka <marsrox_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 22:56:16 -0600
Message-ID: <5bb98d570901152056y60b44565rfce44893979a1203_at_mail.gmail.com>

Dear List Members:

A couple of existing list-members from the "old days" probably
remember me and know that I have lived in Costa Rica for more than a
few years now. I mention this only because there was a 6.2 earthquake
a week ago with the epicenter exactly 10 miles from my home. Quite an
experience, and even after a week there were eight "replicas"
(aftershocks) just today of up to 4.0. The ground as jello. Probably
35-40 deaths, 500 homes destroyed, lots of peripheral damage, a bad
thing. Nothing to do with meteorites, but everything to do with
promoting empathy for people just like yourself, and an adjunct to
something I'll bring up in a sec. Here's two "Webshots" photo albums
to be viewed as "slide show" (box on the right). If you've been here,
memories will return, though now somewhat fractured.



Secondly, my dear friend Steve Schoner noted an important anniversary,
his amazing survival after he nearly left the living while laboring
with respect to restore Clyde Tombaugh's (discoverer of Pluto) home.
Rat shit almost did him in. Steve is one of the meteorite communities
true warriors and a person of the highest integrity. "Man love" to
you, Steve.

Next, apparently Meteorite magazine is publishing in its next issue my
take on the debacle that was the recovery of Carancas in Peru.
Indigenous peoples and/or those lacking our "Western" educational and
financial growth opportunities have a life difficult enough
without.....well, read the story. "Meteorite" is worth dropping your
dime on and this feature will be different than most.

Finally, Space.com just put out an excellent video on the origins of
the moon. Actually, they posit there first were two moons. I'll bet
that you'll agree that the link below is worth 2 min and 24 seconds of
your life.


>From Nine Degrees North.....

MARSROX at gmail.com
Received on Thu 15 Jan 2009 11:56:16 PM PST

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