[meteorite-list] NASA NEO funding /Impact Energy.. was comet fragment impact
From: Mr EMan <mstreman53_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 20:44:58 -0800 (PST) Message-ID: <996852.98851.qm_at_web55205.mail.re4.yahoo.com> I fear that the Religion of Man-made-Global-Warming-Al-Gore-Sky-is-Falling-Truth(sic) and its failures to even get the direction of change right, has made enough of Joe Public "deer-in-the-headlight" skeptical regarding estimates for "soft" specifics. That unknown could be the unknown but immanent cometary strike probabilities. Add that to t fact that the average public-school-educated citizen doesn't understand the differences of possible vs potential, and a 100% certainty of collision with a 0% certainty of when. So discussion is largely moot--impact is just accelerated Climate Change. Fortunately for many of us, those simpleton fat cats will be the first selected for the Donner Protocol, post impact. Yum Yum. (If I recall the size correctly)....Of interesting but obscure side note regarding Cometary Impact Energy: a max size comet of 200 cubic kilometers (disrupted or not), arriving at cometary speeds, will deliver equivalent mega-tonnage of 34 each, 6-megaton Hydrogen bombs for--get this--Each and every one of the 6 billion human inhabitants of earth. Regardless of size, cometary ice, hitting the atmosphere at those speeds will be raised from -80?C to +10,000?C per unit-- be it a Cubic centimeter,cubic meter or, cubic kilometer. We will not be frozen ourselves before pretty much being vaporized by super heated steam. That is cooking on a cosmic scale. Elton Received on Mon 12 Jan 2009 11:44:58 PM PST |
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