[meteorite-list] Fireball Influx
From: Mr EMan <mstreman53_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 10:05:02 -0800 (PST) Message-ID: <421309.19494.qm_at_web55206.mail.re4.yahoo.com> As to how many fireballs I know of 3 major ones in 36-48 hours over US and Canada this past weekend:Kentucky, Texas, Alberta(not the rocket booster) Now G?ran reports another in Sweden Sunday. So that is 4 over civilization with an unknown number over water etc. Starting to look like a Hollywood plot. The Texas daylight Fireball was caught on video tape and in many informed opinions conclude this could not have been space debris-- but that is the FAA's story and they are wearing it out till the holiday is over it seems. I see that the USAF has stepped up to refute the FAA's unfounded proclamation this was from the satellite collision aftermath. No one has asked NASA's opinion. NASA is in shock for the time being shaking its head in disbelief, looking at a possibility that manned orbital stations will be too unsafe to for occupation--possibly killing the next generation of shuttles. Space Command is dodging blame as to who should have seen the Iridium 33 and Kosomos satellites " trying to occupy the same very small point in space at the same very same time" to quote my old geometry teacher. We've also have 2 possibly 3 major meteorite falls around the world since late November and tens of fireballs reported since then. This is an unusual cluster of larger events which are usually spaced out more( no pun) but nothing yet suggests anything ominous but that might be changing as new data arrives. I suspect the Canadian Meteorite and Impact Advisory Committee and, the less formally organized US equivalent, will be busy this week sorting out the fireball swarm after working on the implications of two major space powers allowing two large satellites to T-bone each other in what statistically should be in the million or billion to one range. This is the scariest part of last week in the "OOps I thought YOU were driving" chicken contest. Elton Received on Mon 16 Feb 2009 01:05:02 PM PST |
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