[meteorite-list] Tucson 2010 Show Website and News
From: Adam Hupe <raremeteorites_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2009 12:45:03 -0800 (PST) Message-ID: <625650.67699.qm_at_web30701.mail.mud.yahoo.com> Hi Anne, That is funny. I have heard from several dealers who do the Tucson the same thing. They say the income was so poor that they couldn't even make the show fees and that they will never be back again. The only dealers I have not heard complaints from were at the Inn Suites. They say the same thing year after year but they do keep coming back. I guess everything is relative. They only reason I know anything at all about the Las Vegas Gem show is that while on Spring break there a few years ago, I talked to a vendor who became an instant millionaire selling yellow diamonds and bort. He sold out in three days and was enjoying his rewards over some pretty hefty drinks on a sidewalk bar where is he was buying everybody rounds. I never went that show so I can't speak about how successful it was or if it would even be fun to attend. The economy is holding back a lot dealers right now so maybe things will be more positive next year. Do not get me wrong, I hope the Tucson show survives as I can go to Las Vegas any time. I just wish they would improve the show and make it better for patrons who for the most part are now taken for granted. Best Regards, Adam ----- Original Message ---- From: "Impactika at aol.com" <Impactika at aol.com> To: raremeteorites at yahoo.com; meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com Cc: geoking at notkin.net Sent: Mon, December 14, 2009 12:25:08 PM Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Tucson 2010 Show Website and News Hello Adam and all, Do you know that the Las Vegas Gem Show used to be a full-fledged Rocks and Minerals Show years ago? I had many occasions to talk to some of the largest mineral dealers doing that Show, and I was told repeatedly that it was a very poor Show financially and attendance. Probably because the public was distracted by the other "attractions" of Vegas. Maybe it is why it was down-sized to a Gem only Show. And I do know a gem dealer who is considering dropping it because it is not worth his time. And if the Tucson Show moves to Vegas, I will probably stop doing it too. And Yes, I have been in Vegas many times, it is an amusing place from an architectural point of view, and shopping is pretty good, but that's about it. And I just checked _www.Hotels.com_ (http://www.Hotels.com) , there is still half a dozen hotels (Super 8, Comfort Inn,....) with rooms for less than $100 a night for the weekend of Feb 4 to Feb. 8. The Big Weekend. Now about the Real Tucson Show. I have been very busy preparing it too, Only six weeks!!!! Time flies. I have way too much inventory, so for the first time ever I will have a Sales/Bargains corner with a very wide assortment of things, even a few thin-sections. Speaking of Thin-Sections, I will have ET's collection with me in addition to my own, so that's about 800 thin-sections. And I might receive another batch before the show. And I will have a couple surprises in Exclusivity. More about that very soon. And Alain Carion has a new book out just in time for Tucson, and since I had the pleasure to translate it, I will have the pleasure to present it in Tucson. And I am sure I am forgetting a lot of other things. More soon. Anne M. Black _http://www.impactika.com/_ (http://www.impactika.com/) _IMPACTIKA at aol.com_ (mailto:IMPACTIKA at aol.com) Vice-President, I.M.C.A. Inc. _http://www.imca.cc/_ (http://www.imca.cc/) In a message dated 12/14/2009 11:22:50 AM Mountain Standard Time, raremeteorites at yahoo.com writes: Geoff wrote: And FYI: The Tucson gem show is NOT moving to Las Vegas or anywhere else : ) I am definitely going to the show this year since it may be of the last. I would hate to see it leave but do not see the Tucson City council doing anything to make it stay. NASCAR, the largest spectator sport in the world just moved its annual championship banquet to Las Vegas after spending 30 plus years in New York. They thought NASCAR would never change this venue and look what happened. Several large concerns have moved their shows to Las Vegas because they are making unbeatable deals and catering to clients needs more than ever before. Received on Mon 14 Dec 2009 03:45:03 PM PST |
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