[meteorite-list] Alien Contact Predicted
From: Meteorites USA <eric_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 08:59:45 -0700 Message-ID: <4A97FEF1.4020004_at_meteoritesusa.com> Hi Phil, List, Humanity's arrogance is only outweighed by it's ignorance. You say NO... I say prove it. I say possible... You say not! There's more evidence that there IS than proof there's NOT. A closed mind knows nothing and agrees with nothing but itself... An open mind however realizes that possibilities are endless. It's a damn good thing you weren't one of the Wright brothers. ;) Or DaVinci, Galileo, Newton, Einstein, Tesla, Edison, Plato, Alexander The Great, Hannibal, Constantine, Archimedes, Fibonacci, Pythagoras, Herodotus, Lincoln, Kennedy, Washington, Roddenberry, Lucas, Spielberg, or countless others. Hundreds and thousands of other very important people to the evolution of human thought and innovation, philosophically, militarily, scientifically, and theoretically have contributed greatly to the advancement of humanity. With curiosity and the gall to actually think openly without boundaries we wouldn't be able to believe we could fly, or give serious thought to the possibility of life elsewhere. You're missing the whole REASON behind the belief which drives the study that ultimately results in discovery. How dare we actually think... ;) How silly of us humans... Regards, Eric Wichman Meteorites USA Spacifieds.com P.S. "... I can make up an equation that proves the existence of mermaids, bigfoot, Nessie, unicorns, dragons,..." "...'ll write a formula to prove it's existence..." Go for it! It would be an exercise for the unimaginable. ;) Phil Whitmer wrote: > The Drake Equation is a prime example of mental masuturbation. It > proves absolutely nothing. How can an equation prove anything when > none of the variables are known with any certainity? As Rob points > out, one zero nullifies the whole silly thing. How about Ne; the > number of known Earth like planets supporting life=0. If you want > dumb equations, the creationists have a bunch of them that proves > there is exactly one planet that supports life. I can make up an > equation that proves the existence of mermaids, bigfoot, Nessie, > unicorns, dragons, what imaginary being do you want to believe in? > I'll write a formula to prove it's existence. I'll be easy, because I > already know that life begets life. The Drake Equation misses the key > concept in the alien debate; mainly how does abiogenesis occur? How > does non living matter become alive? Once we figure out the mechanics > of this most basic problem, then we can extrapolate about whether this > seemingly miraculous event could happen more than once. If you're > going to believe in spontaneous generation on other planets, you had > better understand how it happened here first. Someone has to explain > to me how those left handed isomer amino acids from meteorites > organized themselves into living, self replicating DNA. (See this > thread is related to meteorites!) > > Crichton summed it up best at a lecture at Caltech : > The problem, of course, is that none of the terms can be known, and > most cannot even be estimated. The only way to work the equation is to > fill in with guesses. [...] As a result, the Drake equation can have > any value from "billions and billions" to zero. An expression that can > mean anything means nothing. Speaking precisely, the Drake equation is > literally meaningless... > > And puhleez, don't give me that stupid absence of evidence argument, > it didn't hold water when Rumsfeld used it for imaginary WMDs, and it > doesn't justify the belief in phantasmagorical alien creatures. > > Mental masturbation is fun, but don't confuse it with real science! > >> From the Urban Dictionary: > > Mental masturbation: > > 1. The act of engaging in useless yet intellectually stimulating > conversation, usually as an excuse to avoid taking constructive action > in your life. > > 2. The act of engaging in intelligent and interesting conversation > purely for the enjoyment of your own greatness and individuality. > Subjects range from obscure lp's to cultural movements in > preindustrial societies. Either delivered through grand monlogues or > subtle conversation orientation, it links large words and random > references resulting in nothing acually being communicated. > > 3. Overly intensive self gratifying procrastination, thought and > contemplation for a subject not necessarily warranting such effort. > > > 4. The pretense of superior knowledge or intelligence by claiming > conjecture, theory, feeling or opinion as fact. > > 5. The act of engaging in impractical/nonproductive mental exercise / > thinkings / writings / etc., through which a practitioner only > comforts oneself mentally. Such acts don't lead to any constructive > results what so ever in the real world; some might even imagine > oneself being transformed into superman, or simply the opposite sex, etc. > In short, it's just bs/crap. > > Phil Whitmer > > > > > > > > > > ______________________________________________ > http://www.meteoritecentral.com > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > Received on Fri 28 Aug 2009 11:59:45 AM PDT |
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