[meteorite-list] "Spacifieds.com" It's a great idea!
From: Steve Schoner <schoner_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 03:03:56 GMT Message-ID: <20090827.210356.5190.0_at_webmail09.dca.untd.com> Eric, and all, Any that collect radioactive materials and or man-made items that are radioactive must abide by postal rules. It is pretty simple. Just keep the rates below .5 mR/HR on the outside of the package, and mark the box it with UN2910 on each corner. Pack the item in a plastic bag and double box in the outer box center. Natural ore is not HAZMAT, and the same is true for most of the common radioactive collector items that some adventurous souls (like me) collect. There is a unwarranted fear now for anything that is radioactive. But I can tell everyone this. Just last week I went to the hospital cardiac unit after an episode with my heart... I nearly had a heart attack. I was in for three days, as my heart was erratic. On the third day they did a nuclear exam of my heart using an isotope called Tc-99m with a half life of 6.6 hrs. They released me from the hospital, and as soon as I got home I went to my Geiger counter and ratemeter and checked to see how radioactive I was. I was FLOORED ! I could not BELIEVE what I SAW! I was MORE radioactive than everything that I have collected in over the forty-five years combined-- Even if I put everything I had in one single pile! Here are some videos taken the day after. 24-30 hrs after when the initial infusion of Tc-99m has gone through about 4 to 5 half/lives. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEcD8JeGTXk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aahr5U5N6Eg Even then I was more radioactive than just about everything, all the ore, the radium tubes, radium watches, dials, and WWII Normandy Helmet markers in my collection of over 45 years. One would think that this is dangerous. Not really. Even at what would seem a huge amount of radiation, it is harmless in so far as I would have to be exposed and those sitting next to me exposed for 5,000 hrs. But that said their are some studies putting these kinds of tests into question-- Lawyers looking for an accident I suppose. So, Eric and all, a proper presentation about radioactive materials might be in order. And also this can contrast with meteorites as many of the uninformed believe that meteorites are radioactive and hence dangerous. Far from the truth, as we are exposed to a lot more radiation than from a mountain of meteorites fresh fallen from space. Steve Schoner IMCA 4470 ---------- Original Message ---------- From: Meteorites USA <eric at meteoritesusa.com> To: Steve Schoner <schoner at mybluelight.com> Cc: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] "Spacifieds.com" It's a great idea! Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 12:54:49 -0700 Hi Steve, List, Though I'm a bit leary of using the word radioactive in conjunction with meteorites in public for fear of misinterpretation by people uninformed about meteorites, I believe that Steve has brought up a good point. I've been thinking of new categories to add to the site to better organize the listings I know will be flooding onto the site... ;) Suggestions likes Steve's are appreciated and encouraged. They'll help me build Spacifieds the way it should be, with the functionality that you guys need as a member. I received an email this morning from a friend of mine in Australia who has posted a few listings. I'll let you check it out... He noticed that after you submit your ad, you can edit it, but not add any more photos. He's right you must add photos when you initially submit your ads. I'm working on a fix now to add image upload capability "after" an ad is submitted. You can edit the listings price, and description of course... Suggestions are encouraged. You're welcome to send me or the list and email regarding any features or categories you'd like to see added. Features? Categories? Problems & Bugs? By the way, I was up late last night again redesigning a new "spacier looking" Spacifieds logo and header, I even made a new JOIN button. Feedback on the design is appreciated. ;) Thanks again everyone for the advice and participation! Regards, Eric Wichman Meteorites USA Spacifieds.com Steve Schoner wrote: > This is a great idea to help rid this list of countless ebay adds that often infest this list. > > Looking at it, I like what I see. > > Now, another idea, I wonder if Eric can add another category, for "radioactive items." > > Ebay, has a stupid policy regarding this and often radioactive mineral specimens, and tubes, and such are pulled-- for no reason at all. > > Radioactivity is a subject that has always interested me, and I am a member of yahoo's CDV700CLUB, (Geiger counter enthusiasts, and radioactive mineral collectors). > > And it also relates to meteorites as fresh falls are analyzed for for short lived radioactive isotopes. Also age dating depends on radioactive analysis. > > I can't understand all the negative posts against Spacifieds.com. It is a good idea who's time has come. > > Steve Schoner > IMCA #4470 > > > ____________________________________________________________ > Best Weight Loss Program - Click Here! > http://thirdpartyoffers.mybluelight.com/TGL2341/fc/BLSrjpdf49qqAVt0J9xAlxblTwFyTKHNlv0MyW5qo63P9qBhHc6ED4uYQgg/ > ______________________________________________ > http://www.meteoritecentral.com > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > > Received on Thu 27 Aug 2009 11:03:56 PM PDT |
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