[meteorite-list] Met List Flame Wars
From: Mike Hankey <mike.hankey_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2009 15:51:05 -0400 Message-ID: <f0a794130908191251j18181ee6hbe8f9cc1d39805b8_at_mail.gmail.com> Amen brother. > I wonder how many people lurk on this list and pay close attention to who acts like a professional at all times and who does not. I have no doubt there are others like me who will not do business with anyone who does not present a professional demeanor most or all of the time. (We all have our moments) I can not agree more with this statement. As a new comer to this I was horrified and embarrassed by the content of a lot of the messages that came across it. Unfortunately, this list was my first impression of the meteorite community and while I have met some very amazing and brilliant people through this list, the conduct and arrogance from the bad apples has left a bad taste in my mouth regarding this community as a whole. The simple fact that the largest thread on this list since I've been on here was titled "Who is the best meteorite hunter in the world", speaks volumes. A problem I have witnessed in many industries over many years is that really smart people sometimes get a little full of themselves (because they are so smart). The first job I had out of college was for the Credit Card company Visa. There were 100s of brilliant software engineers that worked in my office. Sometimes they were too smart for anyone else, so smart they were often blind to things that were right in front of their face (like the internet becoming the power house of e-commerce (job was in 94). I remember my boss saying to these guys in a meeting once, when they were acting like arrogant fools: "we aren't curing cancer here guys. get a grip." I will be spending 10s of thousands of dollars on meteorites in the next year. 100s of thousands of dollars on meteorites over the next 5 years (yes I'm totally hooked on these things). I will absolutely never buy anything from anyone who has acted out or been a prick on this list. Before I make a purchase I search the meteorite list archives for the seller, and if they are a jerk I look else where. Being nice is good for business. Sincerely, Mike Hankey http://www.mikesastrophotos.com On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 2:24 PM, Richard Kowalski<damoclid at yahoo.com> wrote: > I hope that this email doesn't offend anyone. I mention two particular people who I won't name, but for the most part I am speaking in general. > > I've been on this list for several months now. I joined for all the reasons people usually join a mailing list; To make contacts with others that have similar interests to learn from these other people, and hopefully to eventually contribute something of substance to the group. > > For the first week or so after I joined the list, I started learning the players, and learning a bit more about meteorites. After about a week, someone posted a message about some material they had to offer. Another person asked what it was and whoo classified it. The first person answered the questions. Simple, clear and exactly as one would expect. Both were reasonable and courteous to the other. As a new collector who knew only a few people in the field, this interaction was exactly what I wanted to see. > > Since the meteorite market is so "thin" and a lot of it is based on "faith", faith that what is being offered is exactly what is being represented. It is important to me that the people I interact with, and purchase from, act professionally at all times. I have to have faith in this person. I have to trust them. This goes for the full time dealer as well as the "vest pocket" dealer who sells to improve his or her personal collection... > > I have purchased from both of these people, one of them has provided me with a large percentage of my collection purchases since then. I won't hesitate buying from either one... > > Having a good reputation is important to me. Being professional is too. > > What shocked me, as a new member was how many other people jumped in, making wild accusations, going off on tangents, much of which was not even remotely related to the original post, the question, or the reply. It was an eye opening event for me. A number of people who sell lost any chance to get my business. > > Since then there have been multiple flare ups, which has further reduced the pool of sellers I will do business with. Those I have lost faith in; Those who I can't trust. > > I wonder how many people lurk on this list and pay close attention to who acts like a professional at all times and who does not. I have no doubt there are others like me who will not do business with anyone who does not present a professional demeanor most or all of the time. (We all have our moments) > > Of course people who don't sell don't really care about this, but that shouldn't be an excuse. The Golden Rule should apply... > > Some of the people on this list are also on the list I have run for over a decade, the Minor Planet Mailing List. That list has over 1200 subscribers and has a great mix of both professional and amateur astronomers with the common interest in asteroids and comets. I run the list with a very light hand. Scientific discussion and debate are welcome and encouraged, but one of the things that will get you moderated or banned is personal attacks. > > One of the worst things that can happen to any mailing list is unbridled flames wars. I recently read here that this list was filled with scientists in the field of meteoritics, but now most have gone. Apparently previous flames caused them to leave. Thats a sad comment. > > I am in no way telling this list's owner how to run the list, but we have found that this policy works extremely well on MPML. > > Those who do make personal attacks rarely contribute anything of substance to the list, so losing them is not much of a loss... > > Please keep the great information coming. It is what makes being a member of this list worth while. > > Please reconsider your posts before hitting the send button if there is no useful information in your message... > > Sorry for the length of this email. > Thanks for letting me comment. > > -- > Richard Kowalski > http://fullmoonphotography.net > IMCA #1081 > > > > ______________________________________________ > http://www.meteoritecentral.com > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > Received on Wed 19 Aug 2009 03:51:05 PM PDT |
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