[meteorite-list] Angrites hot under the colar
From: Darren Garrison <cynapse_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2008 09:30:39 -0500 Message-ID: <uf5mg4th3kfqd51jad7ruajp325otom939_at_4ax.com> http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/081030-planet-formation.html Ancient Meteorites Give Clues to Planet Formation By SPACE.com staff posted: 30 October 2008 02:04 pm ET Meteorites that are among the oldest rocks ever found have provided new clues about the conditions that existed at the beginning of the solar system, solving a longstanding mystery and overturning some accepted ideas about the way planets form. The ancient meteorites, called angrites, still contain magnetic records about the very early history of planets, like disk drives salvaged from an ancient computer, new research by MIT planetary scientist Benjamin P. Weiss indicates. The results of the study, which was by a grant from the National Science Foundation's Instrumentation and Facilities Program, are detailed in the Oct. 31 issue of the journal Science. The analysis showed that surprisingly, during the formation of the solar system, when dust and rubble in a disk around the sun collided and stuck together to form ever-larger rocks and eventually the planets we know today, even objects much smaller than planets ? just 100 miles (160 kilometers) across or so ? were large enough to melt almost completely. This total melting of the planet-forming chunks of rock, called planetesimals, caused their constituents to separate out, with lighter materials including silicates floating to the surface and eventually forming a crust, while heavier iron-rich material sank down to the core, where it began swirling around to produce a magnetic dynamo. The researchers were able to study traces of the magnetic fields produced by that dynamo, now recorded in the meteorites that fell to Earth. "The magnetism in meteorites has been a longstanding mystery," Weiss said, and the realization that such small bodies could have melted and formed magnetic dynamos is a major step toward solving that riddle. Until relatively recently, it was commonly thought that the planetesimals ? similar to the asteroids seen in the solar system today ? that came together to build planets were "just homogenous, unmelted rocky material, with no large-scale structure," Weiss said. "Now we're realizing that many of the things that were forming planets were mini-planets themselves, with crusts and mantles and cores." That could change theorists' picture of how the planets themselves took shape. If the smaller bodies were already molten as they slammed together to build up larger planet-sized bodies, that could "significantly change our understanding" of the processes that took place in the early years of the nascent planets, as their internal structures were forming, Weiss said. This could have implications for how different minerals are distributed in the Earth's crust, mantle and core today, for example. "Events happened surprisingly fast at the beginning of the solar system," Weiss said. Some of the angrite meteorites in this study formed just 3 million years after the birth of the solar system itself, 4,568 million years ago, and show signs that their parent body had a magnetic field that was 20 to 40 percent as strong as Earth's today. "We are used to thinking of dynamo magnetic fields in rocky bodies as uncommon phenomena today," Weiss said. "But it may be that short-lived planetesimal dynamos were widespread in the early solar system." http://sciencenow.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/2008/1030/2 First Planets Lived Fast and Died Young By Phil Berardelli ScienceNOW Daily News 30 October 2008 Surprising findings from some of the oldest known meteorites suggest that our solar system was once chock-full of miniature planets, complete with metallic cores and rocky crusts. The findings could force a rethinking of how the solar system and its constituent bodies evolved. Some 4.568 billion years ago, our sun and solar system condensed out of a primordial cloud of dust and gas. Within about 3 million years, small, rocky objects called planetesimals were circulating in the nascent solar system. Fragments of these planetesimals remain today as meteorites called achondrites, which scientists have pored over for clues to how planets formed. Oddly, the meteorites are magnetic, which is strange because the planetesimals were supposed to be just large agglomerations of rubble. A U.S.-Canadian team took a new approach to the problem, testing samples of three well-preserved achondrite meteorites with an extremely sensitive magnetometer. What they discovered stunned them: The meteorites showed evidence of ancient magnetic fields similar to those of rocks formed on Earth within the planet's magnetic field. In other words, the team reports this week in Science, the 4.565-billion-year-old meteorites once were part of bodies that were either big enough or hot enough to produce central, molten, metallic cores. "The meteorites, therefore, are essentially magnetic recording tapes," says planetary scientist and lead author Benjamin Weiss of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge. The magnetic fields that they recorded were probably generated by molten metal swirling around inside the planet's core like a giant, rotating dynamo, as happens on Earth. Although most asteroids now are rocky through and through, the new findings suggest that back at the beginning of the solar system even planetesimals could melt at their cores and retain a rocky crust. These bodies could be as small as 160 kilometers in diameter, the research suggests. The planetesimals, which eventually merged to form the rocky planets, were more planetlike than previously thought, with cores that must have formed and melted within just a few million years of the formation of the solar system, Weiss says. The paper "makes a good case," says planetary scientist David Stevenson of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. Although dynamos are thought to require large planetary cores, it's possible that the for those with access to _Science_ full text: http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/322/5902/713 and here's a related PDF: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/lpsc2008/pdf/2143.pdf Received on Fri 31 Oct 2008 10:30:39 AM PDT |
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