[meteorite-list] 72nd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society
From: Ron Baalke <baalke_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2008 10:37:00 -0700 (PDT) Message-ID: <200810301737.KAA20945_at_zagami.jpl.nasa.gov> http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/metsoc2009/ 72nd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society July 13-18, 2009 Nancy, France ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT - OCTOBER 2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hosted by Centre de Recherches P?trographiques et G?ochimiques Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Nancy Universit? Sponsored by Lunar and Planetary Institute Barringer Crater Company Cameca Instruments Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers Minist?re de L'Enseignement Sup?rieur et de la Recherche Nancy Universit? NASA Cosmochemistry Program R?gion Lorraine Local Organizing Committee Marc Chaussidon, Co-Chair, CRPG Nancy Guy Libourel, Co-Chair, CRPG, ENSG Nancy Bernard Marty, Co-Chair, CRPG, ENSG Nancy Christine Boyd-L?cluse, CRPG Nancy Guillaume Caro, CRPG Nancy Michel Champenois, CRPG Nancy C?cile Fabre, G2R Nancy Isabelle Geoffroy, CRPG Nancy B?atrice Luais, CRPG Nancy Johanna Marin, CRPG Nancy Andreas Morlok, CRPG Nancy Johan Villeneuve, CRPG Nancy Scientific Organizing Committee Francis Albar?de, ENS Lyon, France Addi Bischoff, Muenster University, Germany Marc Chaussidon, Co-Chair, CRPG Nancy, France C?cile Engrand, CSNSM Orsay, France Roger Hewins, MNHN Paris, France Christian Koeberl, Wien University, Austria Guy Libourel, Co-Chair, CRPG Nancy, France Bernard Marty, Co-Chair, CRPG Nancy, France Alessandro Morbidelli, CNRS Nice, France Hiroko Nagahara, Tokyo University, Japan Herbert Palme, Koln University, Germany Fran?ois Robert, MNHN Paris, France Sara Russell, NHM London, Great Britain Gopalan Srinivasan, Toronto University, Canada Rainer Wieler, ETH Z?rich, Switzerland ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MEETING LOCATION AND DATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You are cordially invited to attend the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, to be held July 13-18, 2009, in Nancy, France. Located in Lorraine in northeast France, the city of Nancy is known all over the world thanks to Place Stanislas, a magnificent example of classical French architecture. It is considered the most beautiful royal square in Europe and the high point of Nancy's outstanding collection of 18th century monuments and is listed on UNESCO's World Heritage List. Nancy is also a prestigious center of art and architecture, mainly in response to the work of the "Ecole de Nancy", a group of artists and architects that worked in the Art Nouveau style at the end of the 19th century and the early 20th century. To be immersed in this historical atmosphere, the meeting will be held in the city center, within walking distance of hotels and the railway station. Visit the Nancy tourist office <http://www.ot-nancy.fr/> for more information. Plenary, oral, and poster sessions will be held in two amphitheaters of the Faculty of Law on the Place Carnot near (~300 m) Place Stanislas in the center of the city, which will also provide the primary accommodations for meeting attendees. Scheduled events include a reception during the registration, a banquet, an award ceremony, and several excursions. A pre-conference workshop will be held in Nancy the weekend before the meeting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONTACTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ For further information regarding the format and scientific objectives of the meeting, contact Isabelle Geoffroy, Meeting Secretariat CRPG-CNRS Nancy Universit? B.P. 20 54501 Vandoeuvre l?s Nancy Cedex, France Phone : +33 3 83 59 42 14 Fax : +33 3 83 51 17 98 E-mail: metsoc09 at crpg.cnrs-nancy.fr Conference Organizers Marc Chaussidon chocho at crpg.cnrs-nancy.fr Guy Libourel libou at crpg.cnrs-nancy.fr Bernard Marty bmarty at crpg.cnrs-nancy.fr For further information regarding meeting logistics and announcements, please contact Kimberly Taylor Lunar and Planetary Institute phone: 281-486-2151 e-mail: taylor at lpi.usra.edu ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCHEDULE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 5, 2009 Deadline for Indication of Intent forms and second announcement posted on this website April 28, 2009 Deadline for abstract submission May 28, 2009 Final announcement with program and abstracts posted on this website June 5, 2009 Deadline for registration at reduced rate July 10-13, 2009 Pre-conference field trip to Rochechouart Crater and Bordeaux wineries July 11-13, 2009 Pre-conference workshop on "Experimentation in Cosmochemistry: From Nebulae to Planets" July 13-18, 2009 72nd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society Received on Thu 30 Oct 2008 01:37:00 PM PDT |
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