[meteorite-list] The Economy and the Price of Meteorites - Do YouReally Want to Know?
From: Kirk Jenks <bandk_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2008 21:56:14 -0500 Message-ID: <023201c92cdf$43c80180$84d20b45_at_owner55652f88b> test ----- Original Message ----- From: "Kevin Kichinka" <marsrox at gmail.com> To: <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2008 9:52 PM Subject: [meteorite-list] The Economy and the Price of Meteorites - Do YouReally Want to Know? There's a thread today concerning meteorite prices, the economy and the present meteorite market. In September I offered here my "Global Meteorite Price Report - 2008". I've sold quite a few, they've gone out to people in twenty-seven different countries, and many were to collectors who purchased the first report in February, 2007. I assume that means that they found the report useful or they wouldn't have purchased it again. A few dealers have also purchased and/or re-purchased the report, and these are people who I consider to be very serious about selling meteorites. They probably would prefer that you DON'T KNOW the price of meteorites. As for the rest of those dealing mets, if you don't know what the competition is asking for a meteorite, there's a good chance you are too high (and losing sales), or to low (and losing money.) Realistically, few dealers have the time to keep up with the price trend of every rock in their inventory. I offer here that service. Quite frankly, the meteorite market is so confused, and always has been, endless opportunities exist for collectors to locate and purchase bargain material of all kinds. In the process of compiling and creating this report, I located historic falls, Mars and rare lithologies that were grossly under priced. Wouldn't you want to know about this? I trade stocks these days, and I need all the information I can harvest. In equities and bonds, there are endless sources. For today's meteorite prices, I humbly assert that I am your only qualified, unbiased, experienced source. No one else is doing what I have done, and it is a massive project sold inexpensively to benefit all. Additionally, ten percent goes toward my charitable donation to astronomers in La Paz, Bolivia. Here's the advertisement I submitted a couple of weeks ago. "The Global Meteorite Price Report - 2008" might be the best $11 you spend this month. - K ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Dear List Members: Every year since 1995 I have prepared a report to estimate the value of each meteorite in my collection. This is done by painstakingly visiting every legitimate dealer website. The results of these surveys have become a true "snapshot" of each year's market prices. Last year, I realized that this type of information might interest other collectors and dealers. After adding value by identifying and interpreting price trends, I shared the data by selling it inexpensively on the Internet. The 2007 "Global Meteorite Price Report" was limited to the eight-five meteorites within my collection, but was instantly popular and the feedback I received was very supportive. This year, to better serve the meteorite community I have expanded the report to include many other popular meteorites beyond those held in my personal collection. There are now 121 different meteorites (plus a few of their permutations). I would have included more, but at least one hundred historic or well-known meteorites that were on my search list are not currently being offered for sale ? rare birds indeed. This fourteen-page document contains three years worth of price data, July, 2005, February, 2007 and September, 2008, so that price trends among the meteorites you own can be identified. Actually, I do it for you. My methodology is explained, and following the price list comparisons, there is my "State of the Market Report" with "Market News", "Impact of Dealer Competition", "Individual Meteorites of Note" and I introduce a new concept to meteorites called "Tiered Pricing." Breaking up the prose are many color photos of meteorites and related items never or rarely seen before and select meteorite microscopy works by the vanguard in this field, Tom Phillips. But there's more. Did you ever wonder if you shared first names with a meteorite? As a fun addition, I have included a two-page list of meteorite names compiled from Monica Grady's latest version of "The Catalogue of Meteorites" that are also "people names". Anyone named Mike in the audience? You have a meteorite. Anyone owning my book (see www.theartofcollectingmeteorites.com) that enjoys my writing style will want this report. Anyone trying to understand the effects of the world's slowing economy on their collection's value will want this report. Any dealer wondering how his prices stack up against the competition will want this report. The price is $11 payable on PAYPAL by visiting MARSROX at gmail.com The lucky eleventh dollar will be used to enhance my charitable donation of astronomy books to the Planetarium Dr. Max Schreier in La Paz, Bolivia, in support of their large meteorite collection donated by Blaine Reed. Upon receipt of your funds, "The Global Meteorite Price Report" - 2008 and the "Meteorite/People Names" will be transmitted within 24 hours in an email as attached Adobe pdf docs. They're highly "printer friendly" and you will want to keep them among your meteorite files. I look forward to sharing this information. You will enjoy the journey. Thank you. Kevin Kichinka MARSROX at gmail.com www.theartofcollectingmeteorites.com ______________________________________________ http://www.meteoritecentral.com Meteorite-list mailing list Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com Version: 8.0.173 / Virus Database: 270.8.0/1720 - Release Date: 10/11/2008 3:59 PM Received on Sun 12 Oct 2008 10:56:14 PM PDT |
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