[meteorite-list] Ad: Nulles, Sena Spain (fell 1773)!

From: Michael Farmer <meteoriteguy_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2008 13:58:06 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <681472.27813.qm_at_web110215.mail.gq1.yahoo.com>

Hi everyone.
I am home for a couple of days between trips overseas, and have some extremely rare pieces for sale. I recently completed an Exchange with ASU and acquired some great stuff. Much of which will be ready for the Tucson show.

I have some smaller pieces of extremely rare Spanish falls to offer today. No photos up, but can work on that if needed.

First is Sena, H4, fell November 17, 1773 in Huesca, spain.
Need I say more, I mean, 1773! George Washington was no even president of the non-existent USA then! Rare as rare can get, British museum has .25 gram.
This piece weighs 2.957 gram, cut fragment from ASU 785, Provenance of the Shepherd collection. $2500.00

Nulles, Catalonia Spain, fell November 5th 1851, 157 years ago TODAY.
All from ASU and formerly Shepherd Collection.
3.29 grams fragment with crust, ASU#783-13 $825.00
2.21 grams, fragment with crust ASU#783-11 $550.00
1.8 gram . fragment, no crust ASU#783-14 $450.00
0.53 gram, fragment with crust ASU#783-16 $175.00

This is all, no more available for now.

First come, first served.
PAYPAL ONLY as I am leavnig the country for one month on Saturday.
Michael Farmer
Received on Wed 05 Nov 2008 04:58:06 PM PST

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