[meteorite-list] Ad Ebay Auctions

From: AL Mitterling <almitt_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 26 May 2008 18:12:28 -0400
Message-ID: <483B35CC.9050504_at_kconline.com>


Just a note to let those of you who are interested I have some ebay
auctions going on. I have an 922 gram historic piece of Allende from the
King Collection available. I also have some small part slices of Lost
City, Oklahoma available. Lost City is the one which was photographed by
the Prairie Meteorite Network. This information was used to plot the
orbital elements of this fall and was one of several networks that
showed Meteorites originated in the asteroid belt. Something that wasn't
know with certainty at that time. If you think about it, that wasn't all
that long ago.

All my best and let me know off list if you have any questions.


--AL Mitterling
Mitterling Meteorites
Received on Mon 26 May 2008 06:12:28 PM PDT

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