[meteorite-list] AD: Special Auction and Thanks.
From: Eric Wichman <eric_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 19 May 2008 22:44:39 -0700 Message-ID: <48326547.6030404_at_meteoritewatch.com> Hi All, Over the last few months my girlfriend Jaime and I have been -not so quietly- building our business and meteorite/mineral collections. We've sold hundreds of meteorites and mineral specimens to many great people on list and off over the last 10 months or so. I would like to make an announcement. After many hundreds of hours of work, long nights of sorting and cleaning, many delightful customers, and hundreds of meteorites sold, we are now Ebay POWERSELLERS! WooHoo! To this I would like to thank everyone for all the kind emails and help they have given us thus far. Without you guys we wouldn't be here. Thank You All! As a kind of celebration, we've listed a SPECIAL AUCTION! Be sure to visit and bid on the "My Chondrule Is BIGGER Than Yours!" auction we have listed here: This is just for fun and a good laugh for everyone so hopefully you guys will enjoy it. So far, as of the writing of this email there's been 248 people view this auction and it already has 6 bids. This in only 48 hours! Auction closes on Thursday at 8:25pm Special Auction: 2g (48) Chondrules - NWA XXX Meteorite MUSA http://cgi.ebay.com/Special-2g-48-Chondrules-NWA-XXX-Meteorite-MUSA_W0QQitemZ250249271362 Current Ebay auctions: http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZfreel3orn Regards, Eric & Jaime Meteorites USA Bits Of Earth Also make sure to check out the specials on our websites: There's meteorites here that we don't have listed on ebay. www.BitsOfEarth.com - Minerals www.MeteoritesUSA.com - Meteorites ========================================================= Our customers are very important to us. To celebrate our new powerseller status, and show our appreciation to all our current and future customers, we're having a BIG sale. We've lowered our shipping prices by 40% for first class mail and now offer FREE Priority Mail shipping on ALL orders from 250 grams up to 1 pound! Received on Tue 20 May 2008 01:44:39 AM PDT |
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