[meteorite-list] Quick and Dirty Parent Body List

From: Mark Crawford <mark_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 04 May 2008 21:42:16 +0100
Message-ID: <481E1FA8.8030004_at_meteorites.cc>

I've been trying to collate just such a list Mike, so I'm keen to see
what comes back. Here's my part-list so far - it's absolutely not to be
considered definitive, but may spur further reading:



Michael Gilmer wrote:
> Hi folks!
> Can someone help me compile a list of meteorite types
> that originate from well-known asteroids and/or solar
> system bodies.
> For example, we have lunar and martian meteorites of
> various types. And angrite is under debate as
> possibly
> being from Mercury. Diogenite is from asteroid Vesta.
> Are there any other meteorite types that originate
> from large, well-known asteroids?
> Thanks in advance!
> MikeG

Mark's Meteorite Pages: http://meteorites.cc
Received on Sun 04 May 2008 04:42:16 PM PDT

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