[meteorite-list] First Detection of Organic Molecules in Extrasolar Planetary Atmosphere
From: Sterling K. Webb <sterling_k_webb_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 15:45:08 -0500 Message-ID: <3e0301c88a02$1eeb1670$1247e146_at_ATARIENGINE> http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/main.jhtml?xml=/earth/2008/03/19/scialien119.xml Milestone in hunt for extraterrestrial life By Roger Highfield, Science Editor Astronomers have found organic chemicals on a planet outside our solar system for the first time, a milestone in the hunt for extraterrestrial life. Researchers also identified water in the searing hot atmosphere of the alien planet, which orbits a distant star more than 60 light years away. Roger Highfield explains the significance of the discovery of methane on the alien planet The planet is too close to its parent star and so is too hot for conditions to be favourable for life as we understand it. But the ability of scientists to analyse its atmosphere and detect simple carbon-based molecules is a crucial step in efforts to find planets which may harbour extraterrestrial life. The feat is reported today in Nature with possibly the best understood alien planet of all the 270 detected so far, called HD 189733b, which was discovered in 2005 in the constellation Vulpecula. The achievement demonstrates the ability to detect organic molecules in "Goldilocks zones" around planets, so named because they are just right for liquid water to be present. The planet - of a type often referred to as a 'hot Jupiter' - is like our own Jupiter, made of gas, but orbits much closer to its sun. The reason we know so much about this alien world is that, seen from our own Earth, it transits its star, passing in front of it during each 2.2-day-long orbit. As the light from the parent star passes through the atmosphere around the limb of the giant extrasolar planet, the gases in the atmosphere stamp their unique signature on the starlight from HD 189733. By using spectroscopy, which splits light into its components, scientists can see the "fingerprints" of various chemicals. Previous studies have predicted that methane and water would be present in the atmosphere, just like on Jupiter, but until now no definitive evidence has been found. Using light analysed by the Hubble Space Telescope, Dr Mark Swain of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, and colleagues confirm the presence of methane. They also report in the journal Nature they have found the signature of water, but carbon monoxide, originally expected to be abundant in the upper atmosphere, was not identifiable. "I am excited about our observations of methane because they represent a "dress rehearsal" for our ultimate goal of studying organic molecules on planets where life might exist," he tells the Telegraph. "With this observation there is no question whether there is water or not -- water is present", he adds. "These measurements are an important step to our ultimate goal of determining the conditions, such as temperature, pressure, winds, clouds, and so on, and the chemistry on planets where life could exist." Team member Dr Giovanna Tinetti from the University College London adds: "We haven't found life on another planet yet, but this in an exciting step towards showing that we can detect these signature molecules." On Earth, methane is produced by a variety of sources: natural sources such as termites, the oceans and wetland environments, but also from cows, livestock and manmade sources like waste landfills and as a by-product of energy generation. But she adds: "The planet's atmosphere is far too hot for even the hardiest life to survive - at least the kind of life we know from Earth. It's highly unlikely that cows could survive here!" Prof Adam Showman of the University of Arizona, Tucson, says that despite its low abundance, the methane provides telling clues about planetary formation, evolution, weather, photochemistry and - in the case of Earth where oxygen is also present - life. "These are exciting times for studies of extrasolar planets. Thirteen years after the discovery of the first extrasolar planet around a Sun-like star, we are finally moving beyond simply discovering such planets to truly characterising them as worlds." Considered suggestive of life, methane can also be made by non-biological processes. However, under the right circumstances methane can play a key role in prebiotic chemistry - the chemical reactions considered necessary to form life as we know it. The father of Gaia theory, the independent British scientist James Lovelock proposed that the simultaneous presence of oxygen and methane would be a convincing indication of life. The reason that it is a "biosignature" is that methane is turned by oxygen into carbon dioxide, so the fact that methane is seen on Earth means that the methane is continually produced, by bacteria in the guts of humans for example. But there is no sign of oxygen on this alien world. Unless molecular oxygen is constantly replenished by photosynthesis, it is quickly consumed in chemical reactions, in the atmosphere, on land and in seawater. So the presence of a large amount of oxygen in an extrasolar planet's atmosphere would be a sign that it might host an ecosystem like Earth's, where cyanobacteria did not start starting cranking out oxygen until around 2.5 billion years ago and it was not until about 600 million years ago when the atmospheric oxygen level rose to a fraction of modern levels. The HD 189733b planet, orbiting close to its parent star, has an atmospheric temperature of roughly 700?C. Measurements of the way light varies as the planet passes in front of its parent star indicates that HD 189733b has neither Earth-sized moons nor any discernable Saturn-like ring system. Like most planets that are very close to their parent stars, HD 189733b has one side always facing its star in perpetual daytime while the other is permanently dark. The cooler, night side of HD 189733b faces us when the planet is in front of its star and the hotter day side rotates into view just before the planet disappears behind its host. Earlier work suggests that it is a sweltering 940?C on the day side, and even the permanently dark side is a surprisingly hot 700 ?C in the upper atmosphere, probably because powerful winds whip round the globe at about eight times the speed of sound on Earth, spreading out the heat. In the lower atmosphere, temperatures are even higher. Received on Wed 19 Mar 2008 04:45:08 PM PDT |
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