[meteorite-list] What's the chances of a meteorite hitting you car hood?
From: Michael Farmer <meteoriteguy_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2008 19:41:21 -0800 (PST) Message-ID: <523626.47214.qm_at_web33107.mail.mud.yahoo.com> Funny story Sonny, I have one to tell as well. When I was 7 years old, my brother (13) and aunt (15) took me to a bridge and told me to throw a rock. I did and hit a nice new car. The car stopped, the man ran up the bridge and my brother and aunt took off, I stood there, petrafied, and the guy caught me and took me home. My grandfather paid for the broken window, then whupped me with an elm switch until I learned my lesson, DONT THROW ROCKS! I will never forget that whuppin! Michael Farmer --- wahlperry at aol.com wrote: > Hi All, > > Have you ever thought of a meteorite hitting your > car? Better yet, > while you were in it? Well that's not what happened > today! I was > driving home after buying some paint for the house > when out of nowhere > a rock the size of a baseball hits my hood and then > smashes into my > windshield causing it to break and crack . I was > driving around 70 mph. > At first I thought it might have come from a truck > in front of me or > one going the other direction on the highway. The > only problem was > there were no other vehicles in front or going the > other directions. So > what just happened ? The only thing I could think of > was someone threw > the rock from the walkway under the freeway or > something. I slammed on > my brakes and turned the truck around . I was lucky > there was a turn > around at the location. Georgia gave me a look like > the one you see > just before you get in a crash! I drove just above > the walkway and > parked my truck and told Georgia to call 911 and > tell them what > happened. I could see to the west, no one in sight > but not to the east. > I ran down the hill and into the tunnel. Not a good > move, not knowing > what to expect. At this point I was pissed off and > not really thinking > right. I ran under the freeway to the other side and > on top of a dirt > embankment. There they were, running into another > tunnel only 500 ' in > front of me! Damn it! I never new kids could run > like cheetahs! The > only thing I could do was jump back into the ditch > and try to cut them > off. As I got closer to the opening of the other > drainage ditch I could > see these kids coming back out of the opening. The > only problem , I was > out of breath from when I ran down the hill to get > onto the walkway . > You have to remember I was still trying to get out > of doing the > painting before this happened. Let alone run at high > speed at any time! > When I finally got over to the kids you should have > seen the look on > their faces. Like deer in the headlights! At this > moment I knew I could > take the 7 yr old but the two 13 yr olds might be > tough! Just teasing! > I said which one of you threw the rock. The first > kid said the other > kid that ran the other direction did it.The second > kid said he ran the > opposite direction. Ok let me get this straight the > kid that threw the > rock ran two different directions? Well yes and no > they said. By this > time I had regained some of my breath and decided to > question the > tougher 7 yr old. When I asked the kid who threw the > rock, he started > crying and said "I don't want to go to jail" and > would not look at his > two other friends. I almost started crying after > seeing this, but I was > still out of breath and I'd seen this technique used > in the movies > before! About this time two police cars pulled up. > The police started > asking the kids what happened and the one kid told > on his friend that > he threw the rock. I forgot to say while I was > chasing the kids I was > trying to give Georgia the direction and location on > the cell phone. I > was happy to see the kids father pull up and then > the look on the kids > faces. I felt bad for the little one, he was still > crying lying on the > sidewalk. The good part is no one got hurt and I got > a little exercise! > If this ever happens again I hope it is a meteorite. > > Sonny > ______________________________________________ > http://www.meteoritecentral.com > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > Received on Sat 08 Mar 2008 10:41:21 PM PST |
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