[meteorite-list] new little iron

From: steve arnold <stevenarnold60120_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2008 18:26:27 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <615529.89205.qm_at_web57803.mail.re3.yahoo.com>

Hi all.I just took a bunch of pics of my new little
iron.I put 2 up on my homepage on my website.It took
20 shots to get as close as I could to get a good
enough picture to make it look good enough to see.Also
I made a mistake on the weight.I was looking at the
scale wrong.It weighs 1.2 grams,2.1 grams.Sorry for
that mistake.You can view it here at my
website.http://chicagometeorites.net/.Thanks and have
a great night.Also I got a new job so another thing to
be happy about.

Steve R.Arnold,chicago,Ill,Usa!!
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Received on Fri 07 Mar 2008 09:26:27 PM PST

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