[meteorite-list] The wonderful wizards of Osmium CHICXULUB I
From: Michael L Blood <mlblood_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2008 04:41:25 -0700 Message-ID: <C4838875.1753E%mlblood_at_cox.net> Hi Sterling and all, I saw an educational video that stated they had discovered An "impact crater" (based on shocked quartz - shattercones) That was 500 MILES in diameter. Michael on 4/10/08 4:35 PM, Sterling K. Webb at sterling_k_webb at sbcglobal.net wrote: > Hi, List, > > There's a little bit of "straw-manning" going on here > (caution: science journalism at work -- theirs not mine). > They say the accepted size estimate of the Chicxulub > impactor is 15 km to 19 km. That's wrong. The most > commonly accepted estimate is 10 km (although > some favor 12 or 13 km). > > Their size estimate is based on the idea that all the > osmium they found was ALL the osmium from the impactor. > I doubt that the transport mechanism from impactor to ocean > muck was 100% efficient. > > Two-thirds of the planet is ocean, one third land. If what > what they found in the muck was two-thirds of the osmium? > The impactor would be 5 km across instead of 4.4 km, not an > astounding increase. > > All we know from the Chicxulub crater is the kinetic > energy of the impact: not the size, not the speed, but the > product of the two: mass times ( speed squared ). The Bang > at Chicxulub was 100 TeraTons of TNT. (That's 500 Zetta- > Joules, zetta being 10^21), or 100,000,000 MegaTons of TNT! > > A 5 km impactor weighs 1/8th of what a 10 km impactor > of the same material would and so it would have to go 2.8 > times faster when it hit (2.8 squared = 8). Interestingly, > while we know the energy well, estimates of velocity are > a little shy. Those that offer up big impactors keep the > speed down and those that talk of smaller impactors boost > the speed estimate appropriately. > > But if a 5 km stoney impactor did all that damage, we are > talking about velocities in the neighborhood of 35 to 45 km/sec. > A highly eccentric orbit is required to achieve those kinds of > encounter velocities with the Earth. > > The most recent theory (I like it) of where the Chicxuluber > came from is the breakup of the parent body of the Baptistina > family of asteroids about 160 million years ago (the biggest > survivor of which is 298 Baptistina). > > The high encounter velocity also encourages proponents > of the comet impact theory. True, the press release says: > "chemical traces of the impactors left behind in rocks... > suggest otherwise," but you can forget that. The "traces" > are of a carbonaceous chondrite, a likely composition for > a "comet," which is afterall just an asteroid with extra frosting. > > > > Sterling K. Webb > --------------------------------------------------------------------------- > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Darren Garrison" <cynapse at charter.net> > To: <Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> > Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 4:52 PM > Subject: [meteorite-list] The wonderful wizards of Osmium > > > http://space.newscientist.com/article/dn13649-ocean-mud-yields-secrets-of-past > -earth-impacts.html > > Ocean mud yields secrets of past Earth impacts > 20:28 10 April 2008 > NewScientist.com news service > David Shiga > > Mud at the bottom of the ocean holds precious clues about asteroids that > struck > Earth in the past, a new study reveals. > > Scientists would love to have a better record of asteroid and comet impacts > to > understand how these catastrophic events have affected life and Earth's > climate. > But most impactors that made it through the atmosphere either gouged out a > crater that was subsequently erased or splashed into the ocean. > Now, scientists have developed a new tool to uncover these events, based on > concentrations of the metal osmium found in mud at the bottom of the ocean. > The > technique was developed by Fran?ois Paquay of the University of Hawaii in > Honolulu, US, and his colleagues. > > Osmium atoms come in two varieties, or isotopes, one of which is slightly > heavier than the other. Crucially, the osmium in meteorites is much richer > in > the lighter form than the stuff native to Earth. As a result, scientists can > determine how much of the otherworldly stuff is present in any given deposit > of > the metal they find. > > Paquay's team has been looking for the metal in samples of ocean sediment > obtained by drilling into the ocean floor. The sediment was laid down in > layers > over time, allowing scientists to date when they were deposited. > > Multiple strikes > In 1995, members of Paquay's team pointed out high levels of the lighter > osmium > isotope - associated with extraterrestrial material - in ocean sediment laid > down around the time of the impact that killed off the dinosaurs 65 million > years ago. > > Since then, they have found another big spike in extraterrestrial osmium > laid > down at the time of another known impact event that happened 35 million > years > ago. At that time, multiple impacts shook the Earth in what is known as the > Late > Eocene impacts. > > The team estimates that 80,000 tonnes of osmium from the object that wiped > out > the dinosaurs was vaporised by the heat of the impact. It then dissolved > into > seawater and eventually accumulated on the ocean floor. The Late Eocene > impacts > 35 million years ago laid down an estimated 20,000 tonnes. > > Smaller impacts > Based on these amounts, the team estimates that the dinosaur-killing object > was > 4.1 to 4.4 kilometres across, while the largest of the Late Eocene impactors > would have been 2.8 to 3 km across. > > These are much lower than previous estimates based on the size of the > craters > associated with these events. These have given impactor size estimates of 15 > to > 19 km for the one that killed off the dinosaurs, and 8 km for the larger of > two > impactors involved in the Late Eocene impacts. > > What accounts for the difference? For one thing, the calculations by > Paquay's > team assume that 100% of the osmium from the impactors was vaporised and > dissolved into seawater. If a smaller percentage actually ended up on the > ocean > floor, then the impactors could have been bigger. > > Comet impacts? > But even after taking this into account, Paquay thinks the impactors were > smaller than the crater-based calculations suggest. If the impactors were as > large as these calculations imply, then 90% of the osmium from the impactors > is > hiding somewhere other than in ocean sediment. "We think that this is > unlikely, > but we can't rule this possibility out without additional work," he says. > > Another possibility is that the impacting objects were comets rather than > asteroids, and contained much less osmium to begin with. But chemical traces > of > the impactors left behind in rocks and reported in previous studies suggest > otherwise. > > Kenneth Farley of Caltech in Pasadena, US, who has studied other traces of > impacts in sediment, but is not a member of Paquay's team, is impressed with > the > new method. > > "I am hoping that this technique will allow the detection of previously > unknown > impacts so we can get a better handle on impact frequency and assess > whether - > and how - impacts affect life and climate," he told New Scientist. > > Unique signature > Although impacts are also known to contribute unusually large amounts of an > element called iridium to sediment, the iridium concentrations are much > harder > to translate into impactor sizes, Farley says. > > Unlike osmium, extraterrestrial iridium does not have a unique isotope > signature, so is harder to distinguish from iridium native to Earth. > > And while samples show osmium is laid down evenly across the planet, the > distribution of iridium is very patchy, making it hard to draw conclusions > without a large number of samples from different parts of the planet. > > > ______________________________________________ > http://www.meteoritecentral.com > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > > ______________________________________________ > http://www.meteoritecentral.com > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably.. And never regret anything that made you smile. Received on Sun 22 Jun 2008 07:41:25 AM PDT |
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