[meteorite-list] Colorado DOW Habitat Stamp
From: Michael Murray <mmurray_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 18:57:03 -0600 Message-ID: <59164EC1-007A-416D-A65C-654E73347852_at_montrose.net> Since there is a big one scheduled to come down somewhere over Colorado in the very near future, I wanted to get this tidbit of info out now to all the meteorite hunters that would travel here in such an event. My message has to do with the Division of Wildlife's Habitat Stamp. If you have purchased a Colorado hunting or fishing license this year, undoubtedly you were given council by the clerk selling you the license that you should also buy the Habitat Stamp for $5 which will allow you to access DOW property called State Wildlife Areas (SWA). What is the Stamp about? According to the DOW, "All of the funds raised from the sale of these stamps will be used to benefit wildlife by acquiring or preserving habitat." Okay, so I don't necessarily disagree with any of that and it is probably well known by outdoors sportsmen but.... Here is something about this requirement to have the stamp that may not be so well known. If you are NOT a hunter, or an angler but say a hiker, or camper, or bird watcher, or picnicker, or sightseer, or meteorite hunter, etc., and you are in the age group 19 to 64 years old, you also will need to have this stamp to "access" DOW property listed in their property directory as an SWA or State Trust Land leased by the DOW. There are only a few exceptions to this rule. SWAs are all over the place in Colorado. Its not uncommon at all to head up a road into the hills around here and find a sign declaring you are about to enter State Wildlife Area. The cost of the stamp to the non-hunter is $10.25 per person. Okay so not so much. Have a car filled with 5 or six people in the 19-64 age group without the stamps and they all get cited, well then it could become an expensive "access". Might even cost your group equal to the cost of a tank of diesel for your Hummer and we all know the sting in that. Okay, let the big one fall! Mike in CO Received on Mon 16 Jun 2008 08:57:03 PM PDT |
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