[meteorite-list] June 15 - Happy Birthday to 3 Meteorite Celebrities

From: bernd.pauli at paulinet.de <bernd.pauli_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: 15 Jun 2008 13:48:09 UT
Message-ID: <DIIE.000000B700002AAE_at_paulinet.de>

Happy Birthday to these 3 Meteorite Celebrities:

St. Robert (H5)
N'Goureyma (IRANOM)
Juvinas (AEUC)

BROWN P. et al. (1996) The fall of the St. Robert meteorite (Meteoritics 31-4, 1996, 502-517):

The St-Robert (Qu?bec, Canada) meteorite shower occurred on 1994 June 15 at 0h 02 m UT
accompanied by detonations audible for > 200 km from the fireball endpoint. The fireball was
recorded by visual observers in Vermont, New York State, New Hampshire, Qu?bec and Ontario
as well as by optical and infrared sensors in Earth-orbit. Penetration to an altitude of 36 km
occurred ~ 60 km to the northeast of Montreal, where the bolide experienced several episodes
of fragmentation.

A total of 20 fragments of this H5 chondrite, comprising a total mass of 25.4 kg, were recovered
in an ellipse measuring 8 x 3.5 km. One fragment of the shower partially penetrated the aluminum
roof of a shed.

Tomorrow, June 16, will be the birthday of yet another famous
and historical meteorite, the Siena (LL5) chondrite and June 17
will be the birthday of the Ibbenb?ren diogenite!

Best wishes,

Received on Sun 15 Jun 2008 09:48:09 AM PDT

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