[meteorite-list] The space program after Bush
From: Michael L Blood <mlblood_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2008 09:51:40 -0800 Message-ID: <C3BA1BAC.1347B%mlblood_at_cox.net> on 1/21/08 6:26 AM, E.P. Grondine at epgrondine at yahoo.com wrote: > The only reason to go to the Moon With whatever one were to follow such a statement, it would be Exceedingly short sighted to say the least. There are countless Reasons to go to the moon and more to set up an ongoing colony. For instance, just one reason is the resulting technology and the Nearly limitless economic advantage the US gained in putting a Man on the moon in the 60s - from which we still, if not primarily, Benefit in terms of our world economic status and technological Superiority (albeit that is quickly sinking for a number of reasons Too "political" to get into here). Going to the moon & establishing a base or development of Massive passive energy technology would put us back on top Within a decade. The 8 TRILLION dollars of debt King George has Put us under to attack a nation unrelated to the 9-11 incident could Have easily funded either or both projects, stimulating our economy While immeasurably increasing our technological development. One of the greatest problems with our system is that presidents Cannot serve more than 8 years and tend almost always to limit Their goals to that time frame, if not exclusively to the next election. Kennedy was an exception. Unfortunately, there are few exceptions. My two cents, Michael Received on Mon 21 Jan 2008 12:51:40 PM PST |
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