[meteorite-list] Meteorite crater mystery/trip
From: ensoramanda <ensoramanda_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 02:39:15 +0000 Message-ID: <47858553.6090902_at_ntlworld.com> Hi All, Can anyone help to identify the structure I photographed in the link at the end of this post? I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year. I have just managed to plough through the huge backlog of posts from everyone after a 5 week trip to Australia via Hongkong. I managed to visit many meteorite related sites on the journey...the Cranbourne strewn field and display just south of Melbourne...passed by Pinnaroo and Karoonda and through to Adelaide for a look at their huge Mundrabilla and a great meteorite display...then drove on up for a walk around the Henbury Craters and Alice Springs...another good display there at the Museum in the Cultural centre...fantastic selection of Henburys. The second part of the trip was on the West coast and Perth....another amazing museum full of space rocks there...with the other large Mundrabilla alongside many others from the Nullabor. Futher north we had a good day walking around the Pinacles..a very surreal landscape and the site of another meteorite find. All in all a memorable trip with loads of photographs and 3000 miles of driving!. I will try and upload some of the collections we visited and post links if anybody is interested. Anyway...back to the original request. On the Dec 1st flight out to Oz we passed over northern China...a wonderful view of the mountains and deserts from 35000 ft. Again I took far too many photographs out of the plane window...but caught this shot of a very interesting structure, which looks incredibly like a huge impact crater or astobleme to me. I have not been able to confirm what it is and wondered if anyone else on the list had ever seen it or could identify it? Been trying google earth but no luck yet. The scale can be judged to some extent by the small settlement nearer the foreground. Here's the link... http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o43/LaburnumStudio/Craters/Crater-.jpg Hope those of you heading for Tucson this time have as good a time as I had last year. Sadly I cant make it. Regards Graham Ensor, Nr Barwell UK. Received on Wed 09 Jan 2008 09:39:15 PM PST |
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