[meteorite-list] Baliff to Repossess meteorites??

From: mexicodoug at aim.com <mexicodoug_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2008 20:38:10 -0500
Message-ID: <8CB2C6CEBD8B571-10B8-2A75_at_WEBMAIL-MZ14.sysops.aol.com>

Hi Dean,

You are comparing unsecured credit with secured credit. Forget it.
For secured credit, you need a title/clearly written contract to relate
it to. So in the future, you could only note that high-risk sales need
to be governed by contract, not implicit understandings.

An object that isn't title-able, and in the absence of a specific
written contract, under latin law, anyway, belongs to he who has

You can sue for fraud or money owed to you, but you really can't sue to
get the object back. Law recognizes when you've been stolen from and
the damages are calculated in money, not merchandise which has been
transferred in a related by independent transaction.

So if you have an unsecured debt for anything, including meteorites you
have sold to someone without contract, you are stuck with the legal
system to file a case and prove what you say is due to you through a
sentence from a case in front of a competent judge. (And even with a
contract it is the same, just much cleaner and quicker if they fight

The only idea I could think of would be transferring you debt to a
collection agent and recovering what you can (say, 20 cents on the
dollar). You could, for example, find a tough-guy collector in the
same town and sell the rights to him in a one-page contract with all
supporting info you have sworn to, and you doing due diligence that
there is20no complicity. Then they take it from there, after paying you
the agreed upon fraction of the total debt. Short of getting involved
with a mafia, collections are just about there. To mess with someone?s
credit rating, the easiest way to make life miserable for non-payes,
for example, you will need the court sentence in your favor.

Don't expect miracles, it?s just like sending out stamps on approval in
the old days which you probably know the drill well. What was your
protection there? SSDD.

Best wishes and Good Luck,

-----Original Message-----
From: dean bessey <deanbessey at yahoo.com>
To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Sun, 14 Dec 2008 3:32 pm
Subject: [meteorite-list] Baliff to Repossess meteorites??

Banks and lien holders of unpaid for items can hire a bailiff firm to
a car or other properties.
Has anybody any ideas (A lawyer on the list maybe) have any experience
or ideas
about hiring a firm to repossess unpaid for meteorites?
I am looking for info under USA law.
I have a little problem with a customer and am in the process of
getting a
lawyer to sue the guy but would like to find a somewhat cheaper auction
going to court.
Any advise would be appriciated

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Received on Sun 14 Dec 2008 08:38:10 PM PST

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