[meteorite-list] Itqiy and Zaklodzie

From: Kashuba <mary.kashuba_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 17:20:35 -0800
Message-ID: <006701c95d8a$2afd6790$80f836b0$_at_kashuba@verizon.net>


I resent it in Rich Text to avoid the broken link but it's not posting.
HTML is verboten. So let's try this:


Thanks for the note!
- John

-----Original Message-----
From: meteorite-list-bounces at meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-bounces at meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of Jerry
Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2008 2:32 PM
To: Kashuba; Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Itqiy and Zaklodzie

John, try to resend that. The link doesn't seem to work
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kashuba" <mary.kashuba at verizon.net>
To: <Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2008 2:56 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Itqiy and Zaklodzie

Tracy, Zelimir, Bernd and all,

I put pictures of Itqiy and Zak?odzie slices side by side here:


Maybe this helps a little.


- John

-----Original Message-----
From: meteorite-list-bounces at meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-bounces at meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of Zelimir
Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2008 10:29 AM
To: bernd.pauli at paulinet.de; Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Itqiy and Zaklodzie

Yes Bernd, you are perfectly right. Funny my misspelling the numbers. My
fingers run too fast (actually my phone number starts with 2656...pfff!)

Thanks for the reference.
I just also received the PDF copy from David Weir and read the intro and
the conclusions.
Very interesting...the Itqiy-Zaklodzie-NWA 2526 continues.

BTW, I have a pic of my Zaklodzie slice (14.1 g, 50x45x2 mm).
Not the best quality but I'll sent it to you in a separate mail.
If you feel it is informative for the list and if you can host it on your
site, feel free to send the link.

Thanks again for comments.


A 17:40 13/12/2008 +0000, bernd.pauli at paulinet.de a ?crit :
>Hi Tracy, Z?limir and List,
>Z?limir: "I can tell you (qualitatively) that their textures are
>definitely different."
>Tracy: "Itqiy and Zaklodzie slices, do they actually look similar in
>No, they don't look similar at all! They have totally different grain
>sizes. Itqiy has
>a grain size that ranges from 0.5-1.7 mm in my specimen, whereas crystals
>in my
>tiny Zaklodzie slice have an average grain size of < 0.5 mm.
>Tracy: "Zaklodzie, however,...don't show the texture very well"
>Zaklodzie is very hard to photograph. I've tried but without satisfactory
>I've also put my two smallish slices of Zaklodzie and Itqiy under the
>and have taken pictures of them both side by side. Moderate result but one
>clearly see the difference in texture.
>While it was quite difficult to take pics of my Zaklodzie slice, it was
>easy to take pics of my Zaklodzie thin section in XP (cross-polarized)
>Z?limir: "Itqiy is very similar to NWA 2656 (btw classified as "E-achon"
>in Met.
>Huh?! NWA 2656 is classified as an acapulcoite! My itsy-bitsy 0.29-gram
>slice of that acapulcoite is even harder to photograph than the Zaklodzie
>Klaus Keil, Addi Bischoff (2008) NWA 2526: A partial melt residue
>of enstatite chondrite parentage (MAPS 43-7, 2008, pp. 1233-1240):
>Well, the meteorite Z?limir is referring to, that's NWA 2526
>and in the last two sentences of the abstract you'll find this:
>"These similarities indicate that NWA 2526 and Itqiy may have formed on
>the same parent body. This body was different from the EH, EL, Shallowater
>and aubrite parent bodies, and NWA 2526 and Itqiy may represent samples
>from yet another, fifth enstatite meteorite parent body."
>Meteorite-list mailing list
>Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com

Prof. Zelimir Gabelica
Universit? de Haute Alsace
3, Rue A. Werner,
F-68093 Mulhouse Cedex, France
Tel: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 94
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Received on Sat 13 Dec 2008 08:20:35 PM PST

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