[meteorite-list] Itqiy and Zaklodzie

From: bernd.pauli at paulinet.de <bernd.pauli_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: 13 Dec 2008 17:40:20 UT
Message-ID: <DIIE.0000007E000036B8_at_paulinet.de>

Hi Tracy, Z?limir and List,

Z?limir: "I can tell you (qualitatively) that their textures are definitely different."
Tracy: "Itqiy and Zaklodzie slices, do they actually look similar in section?"

No, they don't look similar at all! They have totally different grain sizes. Itqiy has
a grain size that ranges from 0.5-1.7 mm in my specimen, whereas crystals in my
tiny Zaklodzie slice have an average grain size of < 0.5 mm.

Tracy: "Zaklodzie, however,...don't show the texture very well"

Zaklodzie is very hard to photograph. I've tried but without satisfactory results.
I've also put my two smallish slices of Zaklodzie and Itqiy under the microscope
and have taken pictures of them both side by side. Moderate result but one can
clearly see the difference in texture.

While it was quite difficult to take pics of my Zaklodzie slice, it was relatively
easy to take pics of my Zaklodzie thin section in XP (cross-polarized) light.

Z?limir: "Itqiy is very similar to NWA 2656 (btw classified as "E-achon" in Met.

Huh?! NWA 2656 is classified as an acapulcoite! My itsy-bitsy 0.29-gram
slice of that acapulcoite is even harder to photograph than the Zaklodzie :-(

Klaus Keil, Addi Bischoff (2008) NWA 2526: A partial melt residue
of enstatite chondrite parentage (MAPS 43-7, 2008, pp. 1233-1240):

Well, the meteorite Z?limir is referring to, that's NWA 2526
and in the last two sentences of the abstract you'll find this:

"These similarities indicate that NWA 2526 and Itqiy may have formed on
the same parent body. This body was different from the EH, EL, Shallowater
and aubrite parent bodies, and NWA 2526 and Itqiy may represent samples
from yet another, fifth enstatite meteorite parent body."


Received on Sat 13 Dec 2008 12:40:20 PM PST

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