[meteorite-list] Texas meteorite find ...possible hoax.
From: Ruben Garcia <meteoritemall_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2008 17:07:36 -0700 (PDT) Message-ID: <699124.84338.qm_at_web32506.mail.mud.yahoo.com> Hey Sonny, Ask Mike Miller as both he and I have cut lots of this stuff - from the picture - I can say it is almost certainly old Campo. That blurred etch look comes from the extreme weathering of old campo. I've never seen another meteorite that looks the same. A few years ago we both bought the same sort of stuff as toluca. The seller was sure we'd never know the difference...we did and returned it for a refund. Besides Steve and I are working on cleaning out all the meteorites in Nevada....lol Ruben Garcia Phoenix, Arizona http://www.mr-meteorite.com http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=meteorfright&p=v --- On Sat, 8/23/08, wahlperry at aol.com <wahlperry at aol.com> wrote: > From: wahlperry at aol.com <wahlperry at aol.com> > Subject: [meteorite-list] Texas meteorite find ...possible hoax. > To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > Date: Saturday, August 23, 2008, 1:26 PM > Hi All, > > I recently answered an ad regarding a meteorite for sale > that was found > in Texas. I have included a portion of the email below. > > >Thanks for your reply on the meteor. Here are some > additional details > on it: > > >I am an amateur fossil hunter and I was searching a > river-bed in > central Texas, outside This river bed I was searching > within is the > Lower Cretaceous- > >Glen Rose formation, well known for its ammonites, > grastropods and > other shell fossils. It is a soft to hard limestone group > and is > stratified into various layers. There are no known layers > of metals > >such as irons, ingenious or other metamorphic type > minerals within > this outcrop of Texas. During my hunt I ran across a dark, > rust colored > "stone" sticking outside of the side bank at > about two >feet above my > head. Was very much out of place as this was a tan-light > brown colored > limestone layer. Started to pull it out, but had to pick it > out. It was > very heavy and was rusted. Was pretty >excited about it > and had my > suspension it was a meteor. > > >Researched on the subject and ran a few objective > analyses on it. It > is highly magnetic, has nickle content, shows fusion crust, > one spot > has very bright silver underneath the rusting and weighs in > >at 14.2 > lbs. Consulted a couple of Geo-Techs and they agree it is a > meteor. I > have attached photos of the ammonites I found within the > same layer to > give you an idea >of the type of limestone and fossils > found in that > formation. > > > After a lengthy phone conversation I agreed to his asking > price. With > the agreement; before his receiving payment I would request > to cut and > etch a small slice of the suspected meteorite. From the > pictures it > looked very much like a weathered Campo or Nantan. I > expressed my > concern that many of the Iron meteorites that are turning > up today for > sale are meteorites that were purchased and being > misrepresented as a > new find. Also it would be tough to find anyone to classify > it if it > resembled a Campo or Nantan .The finder assured me that > this was a new > find and another small piece was found above this location > that > resembled the meteorite. I thought to myself this can't > be true, I > better call up my hunting partner and reserve plane tickets > now before > Steve Arnold or Ruben find out! Just kidding ! This is when > things > started to get strange. The finder called a few times > expressing > concerns about the value of the meteorite, increased > interest from > potential buyers, etc. I was also forwarded a email from a > person > wanting to purchase the meteorite. The strange thing about > the email it > sounded like my previous phone call with the finder but the > name was > different and now the person expressing concern about the > meteorite was > working with a large University in meteorite studies. At > this point I > was starting to doubt any of this was true . I decided to > contact the > University and was surprised to find out that they never > had worked > with or heard of this person. > > I still thought that this could be true and waited for the > meteorite to > arrive ! I received a phone call from the finder the day > before the > meteorite was to arrive expressing ebay prices and possibly > not wanting > to sell the meteorite . From the prices on Ebay this could > be worth > thousands of dollars! Yeh right! Finding someone to > classify it and all > the time involved, you could make Millions! > > When I opened the box I could see rust fragments inside the > bag that > was protecting the meteorite. Still anything is possible! > Lying in a > limestone formation for millions of yeras that was once the > bottom of > the ocean. I wonder if that deep sea fishing pole I dropped > over the > side of the boat last year will last that long? > > After cutting and etching the meteorite. it appears to be a > Coarse > Octahedrite with silicate inclusions. > > I really can not prove that he did not find this meteorite > or if it is > a Campo or Nantan. The purpose of this post is to help > anyone who may > come across this meteorite. I placed a few pictures of the > meteorite > and cut face on my web page. > > Thanks, > Sonny > > http://www.nevadameteorites.com/id33.htm > > > > > > ______________________________________________ > http://www.meteoritecentral.com > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list Received on Sat 23 Aug 2008 08:07:36 PM PDT |
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