[meteorite-list] Ruben Garcia reports: "Glorieta, not hunting allowed..."

From: Ruben Garcia <meteoritemall_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2008 13:57:21 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <296765.28429.qm_at_web32506.mail.mud.yahoo.com>

I don't want to and won't trash anyone - not even Steve. I like Steve!
I don't know the answers to your questions for sure as I have never personally seen a quad there. Tracks yes, quads no.

I've never seen Steve on TV either (regarding Glorieta that is) However, a very good article written by my friend Geoff Notkin was all about Steve's Glorieta escapades. It was because of that article that many of us started looking towards Glorieta. And what about all the information Steve put out on the web regarding Glorieta?

I'm proud of my videos, articles, TV shows etc... I won't apologize for that. All I'm saying is that many, many meteorite hunters have been there.
Some have done articles, TV shows, and the like... Including Steve. If that is the reason it was closed then ok I'm guilty, but so are many others...including Steve.

So lets not be hypocritical.

I'm done with this topic!

Ruben Garcia
Phoenix, Arizona

Received on Fri 08 Aug 2008 04:57:21 PM PDT

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