[meteorite-list] Mike Farmer in the Argentina Newpaper--sorrySpanish

From: Sterling K. Webb <sterling_k_webb_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 17:46:05 -0500
Message-ID: <442f01c8ab13$fa220140$8250e146_at_ATARIENGINE>

Hi, All,

Translation by http://translation2.paralink.com/
I cleaned it up some, particularly prepositions...

Group denounces an American trafficker that took
six kilos of the meteorite [that had] fallen down in
[the] Between Rivers [area]

The AEA has demanded [of] governmental authorities that
they take action [file papers] in the matter. (Photo: 11 Digital).
The Association Entrerriana of Astronomy (AEA) reported
that the merchant, trafficker and collector of meteorites,
[the] American Michael Farmer removed six kilos of pieces
of meteor?tes [that] fell in [the] Between Rivers [area] some
days ago, in his expedition to the County [Cologne] Berduc,
department of Columbus. Members of the group said
other traffickers [had] revealed that also there were [some]
Argentines and foreigners that left with part of [the] material,
and they added that "Farmer published photographs on his
web site with entire impunity ".

"The provincial authorities were already aware of the
matter made known [to them] by the AEA about this
incident and it is our desire that they work urgently
to avoid future plundering of the patrimony of all,"
they indicated in declarations recorded by 11 Digital
[Once Digital].

This online translation site also offers pronunciations:
Just click on the loud speaker icon and it goes to a
"speaker" page completely with an animated spokes-
speaker. I tried it with "Orgueil" and got something
that sounded like " Or - gool "

Sterling K. Webb
----- Original Message -----
From: "drtanuki" <drtanuki at yahoo.com>
To: <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 4:39 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Mike Farmer in the Argentina

Hello List,
  Anyone wish to translate this for the LIST? Thank
you. Dirk Ross...Tokyo

Denunciaron que un traficante estadounidense se llev?
seis kilos del meteorito ca?do en Entre R?os

La AEA exigi? a las autoridades gubernamentales que
tomen cartas en el asunto. (Foto: Once Digital).
La Asociaci?n Entrerriana de Astronom?a (AEA) inform?
que el comerciante, traficante y coleccionista de
meteoritos estadounidense Michael Farmer sustrajo seis
kilos de piezas meteor?ticas ca?das en Entre R?os d?as
atr?s, en una expedici?n que realiz? a Colonia Berduc,
departamento Col?n. Integrantes de la entidad
revelaron que tambi?n hubo otros traficantes
argentinos y extranjeros que se alzaron con parte del
material y agregaron que "Farmer public? fotograf?as
en su sitio web con total impunidad".

"Las autoridades provinciales en la materia ya fueron
puestas en conocimiento por la AEA de este incidente y
es nuestro deseo que act?en de forma urgente para
evitar futuros saqueos al patrimonio de todos",
indicaron en declaraciones consignadas en Once

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