[meteorite-list] Lake Janisjarvi Impact Crater- New NASA image 08APR08
From: drtanuki <drtanuki_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2008 16:16:34 -0700 (PDT) Message-ID: <754009.57597.qm_at_web53212.mail.re2.yahoo.com> List, Here is the latest image of Janisjarvi Impact Crater in Russia. Best, Dirk Ross...Tokyo The latest from NASA's Earth Observatory (08 April 2008) Lake Janisjarvi Impact Crater, Russia http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Newsroom/NewImages/images.php3?img_id=17988 Other References on the WEB: 1609.pdf(PDF) THE IMPACT MELT OF THE JANISJARVI CRATER. D.D.Badjukov. 1. and J.Raitala. 2. 1 ... roughly ellipsoidal Janisjarvi lake with a size of 13x17 km. ... www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/LPSC98/pdf/1609.pdf - 59k - View as html Lunar and European Space Agency First International Conference on Impact ...(PDF) ... of impact melting in. Janisjarvi impact crater whose target ... around the Janisjarvi lake and from southern areas. Chemical data: The impact target area is ... www.rssd.esa.int/SYS/docs/ll_transfers/292404_Larionova.pdf - 147k - View as html J?nisj?rvi ... of Lappajarvi Janisjarvi ... recognized impact coordinates (61?58' the Entry an be lake - and Janisjarvi, 33. Podobn? ... Podobn? odpor??a The on - crater impact ... www.elizaright.info/Janisjarvi.html - 10k Lappaj?rvi Published Articles listed at: http://www.unb.ca/passc/ImpactDatabase/images/janisjarvi.htm: References 1. Basilevsky, A. T., Fel'dman, V.I., Kapustkina, I.G. and Kolesov,G.M., On the distribution of iridium in the rocks of terrestrial impact craters (in Russian). Geokhimiya, v. 6, pp. 781-790. 1984. 2. Basilevsky, A. T., Fel'dman, V. I., Geochemistry of the impactites from the Janis Jarvi, Kara, and El'gygytgyn craters (in Russian). Geokimaya, v. 8, pp. 1092-1107. 1983. 3. Basilevsky, A. 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