[meteorite-list] [ I.M.C.A. ] Suspect eBay seller?

From: Robert Woolard <meteoritefinder_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 13:29:12 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <16933.84645.qm_at_web38905.mail.mud.yahoo.com>


  Good thing you put the condition on your email.
That particular eBay seller IS indeed an IMCA member,
and is 100% trustworthy. I will leave it up to him to
make his own reply and list his name and IMCA # if he
wants to do that, but I can assure you he is a very
nice person, and as I mentioned, COMPLETELY honest! If
you want to bid on his items, you will get exactly
what is promised.

  Best wishes,
  Robert Woolard

--- Mark <mark at annasach.net> wrote:

> Evening list,
> There's a character called 'fallingfusion' who has 2
> items listed for
> sale. He/she claims to be an IMCA member, but
> doesn't list a
> membership number:
> If I've made a mistake then let me apologise for
> making an ass of
> myself with my first post :)
> The items appear to be genuine, my query is about
> the claimed membership?
> Best,
> Mark

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