[meteorite-list] Millbillillie's Parent Body At Its Brightest In 18 Years
From: Mal Bishop <magbish3_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 09:56:32 -0400 Message-ID: <> Dear List, I haven't seen a post relevant to this topic so I thought I would take the opportunity to inform those who may either not already be aware, or need a reminder. Vesta, Millbillillie's parent body, is at opposition, and its brightest in 18 years, with a magnitude of 5.4 which is well within naked eye viewing -- of course, a pair of binoculars or small telescope would enhance the view just that much more. It is now approximately 100 or so million miles from Earth. It will remain near 5.4 for the next couple of weeks and since the moon is presently a factor in viewing Vesta at its optimum, the moonless period between June 8th through 14th will be the next best opportunity for dark sky viewing. The following links will offer more info.: http://skytonight.com/observing/home/Vesta_at_Its_Brightest.html http://media.skytonight.com/images/Vesta07_Finder_color.jpg Take your piece of Millbillillie in your hand while viewing its distant alma mater! Pretty cool I think! regards, Mal Received on Thu 31 May 2007 09:56:32 AM PDT |
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