[meteorite-list] AD - eBay - stunning 30g CV3 full slice, Moss, Washington C., Cape York w. stamp, rare historic...

From: Peter Marmet <p.marmet_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 28 May 2007 21:09:42 +0200
Message-ID: <E05E8E04-C94F-44BD-9094-50C5EEE80BAE_at_mysunrise.ch>

Hello All,

just a short note that I have 22 eBay auctions ending in about one day.

You can see them all here: http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZpema9

You can find

- a stunning 29+ g full slice of a CV3 with many CAI's.

- my only piece of the Washington County meteorite, a rare anomalous

- a very nice part slice of Cape York with stamp.

- NWA 1836, the "twisted sister" with the sister's face;-)...have a

- one of the few absolutely fresh pieces (a part slice(!) of the
Moss meteorite (Norway, CO3.5, fell 2006).

- Utzenstorf, Switzerland, represented in less than half a dozen
collections worldwide...

- 0.204 g fragment of the Weston meteorite, the first observed and
recovered fall of the young US in 1807!

- historic falls like: Albareto (1766!), Vigarano (1910), Orgueil
(1864), Assisi (1886), Mez?-Madaras (1852)

- ALH76009 from Antarctica, a rare CM2: Cold Bokkeveld, small
fragments of a lunar, North Chile, rare NWA's with very low TKW...

Thank you!

Peter Marmet
Bern, Switzerland, IMCA #2747
E-Mail: p.marmet at mysunrise.ch
eBay : http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZpema9
Received on Mon 28 May 2007 03:09:42 PM PDT

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