[meteorite-list] website extended - meteorite collection inventory

From: Dr. Svend Buhl <info_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 20 May 2007 23:32:04 +0200
Message-ID: <000f01c79b26$4f7552e0$3656fea9_at_gpc01>

Dear list,

we have extended our webpage and added a section to display selected
specimens from our collection inventory:


More specimens will be added succesively.

I may also take this opportunity to thank those that contributed with
information and photos to our ongoing research of the Bassikounou meteorite
fall. It is a pleasure and a personal delight to see the cooperativeness
with which our request was met. Due to your contributions another 22
specimens could be added to the taxonomic catalouge. We are looking forward
to release a preliminary report on the Bassikounou fall and the recovered
masses in mid June.

Thanks for your interest


Received on Sun 20 May 2007 05:32:04 PM PDT

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