[meteorite-list] S. Utah

From: JKGwilliam <h3chondrite_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 18 May 2007 12:24:07 -0700
Message-ID: <20070518192407.VQKX2758.fed1rmmtao102.cox.net_at_fed1rmimpo02.cox.net>

You might want to check out the area just East of Mesquite,
Nevada. I've never been there personally, but I've had it on my list
of places to look at for a long time.


John Gwilliam

At 07:21 AM 5/18/2007, Robin Galyan wrote:
>Anybody know if there are any good places to look in Southern Utah?
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Received on Fri 18 May 2007 03:24:07 PM PDT

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