[meteorite-list] Suspect Seller?

From: Mark Crawford <mark_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 22:37:48 +0100
Message-ID: <464A282C.7070603_at_annasach.net>

Hey Bill,

What is it with some of the people on this distribution? According to
the met-list About, this is...

/"...with over 600 members, the best place to get information on rocks
from space!"/

I'm old on astronomy, and newish on meteorites. I joined thinking I'd
"get information on rocks from space". As for Ken's post (I don't know
the man) - it's useful to get a feel for the kind of scams that are
around. I'm not stupid, but I can be misled.

What's the primary purpose of this group, nowadays, in reality? Is it
for dealers? Mainly dealers, with collector/lurkers hoping to get an
inside tip? Or just a place for the Old Boys to ignore or beat up the
new guys? As a new member, I can honestly say that it's certainly not
an open and welcoming community. Most hobbies try to encourage
beginners - proponents want to share their knowledge, wonder and passion
about their interests. This kind of BS can only serve to put people off
the whole hobby.

So I guess I'll be flamed for this - off-list is fine, but I suppose
there's more grandstanding to be done by posting on-list. :-\


Bill wrote:

>Hi Ken,
>Are you bored to death? I am. A lot of list members have been reamed out for posting these ebay warnings. Matteo comes to mind.
>Please stop. If we want your opinion we'll join the imca and view it on your invaluable website/s
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