[meteorite-list] Hal Povenmire Contact Info?

From: mckinney trammell <bigpineartifacts_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 13 May 2007 15:35:40 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <385859.19480.qm_at_web53210.mail.re2.yahoo.com>

ed albin of fernbank science center did his phd on them. he is much more schooled. i happened to have owned the LARGEST WHOLE GEORGIA TEKTITE ever found and man, was hal after it. he used to set up at artifact shows attempting to buy them from arrowhead hunters. i have owned 6 ga tektites (one mentioned on page 46 of hal's book) and the whole thing is just blowing smoke. claiming to own pretty much all of dodge county, upon a trip to the tax office, i have not found hal's name on any deeded property in the county.

> Harlan posted:
> > noap. because he is not a professional. he is drilled with
> > pseudoscience.
> Dear Harlan:
> I don't know Hal personally, but it's my understanding that he's a
> former NASA Apollo engineer and a recognized authority on tektites.
> Although I myself don't subscribe to the lunar origin theory for
> tektites, as I believe Hal does, a number of other eminent researchers
> have at one time or another supported that theory (Harvey Nininger and
> Darryl Futrell for example). If you are aware of anyone who has more
> expertise with Georgiaites than Hal please let me know as we're
> looking
> for a consultant for a possible TV documentary about U.S. tektites.
> Thanks and regards,
> Geoff N.
> www.aerolite.org

Before the ion microprobe, isotope analysis, and actual lunar samples
for comparison, the lunar origin of tektites was tenable.

Now it is not, and I wonder how someone who clings to a disproved
hypothesis can be considered to be eminent in his field?

Mike Fowler

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