[meteorite-list] AD - Selling part of collection
From: JKGwilliam <h3chondrite_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 13:24:38 -0700 Message-ID: <20070514202440.YGZP1318.fed1rmmtao103.cox.net_at_fed1rmimpo02.cox.net> Hello List, Those of you who have been on the Met. List a long time know that I very rarely have a sale. Since my interest in meteorites continues to fade, I've decided to sell of part of my collection. There are some really good deals here, so if you're in a buying mood, take a look. <http://www.meteoriteimpact.com/sale-may2007.htm> Even if you're not interested in buying, you might want to take a look at the third item I've got listed for sale. I've given it the name "Iron Taco" which best describes its shape. This piece of Sikhote-Alin shrapnel has been completely folded in half. The material on the inside of this specimen came either from separated layers or possibly another piece of shrapnel. In all the years I've collected, I've never seen anything like this. First come, first served. Thanks for looking, John Gwilliam Received on Mon 14 May 2007 04:24:38 PM PDT |
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