[meteorite-list] Greensburg Tornado Continued

From: MARK BOSTICK <thebigcollector_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 05 May 2007 22:34:07 -0500
Message-ID: <BAY111-F39D5C07BA3A34649EEE8EAB3460_at_phx.gbl>

I would like to thank many of you for your prayers and concern. A few of us
are turning wheels behind the scene and you will hear some type of
annoucement soon.

Recue workers were threatened with more tornados today and work will
continue tomorrow. FEMA will show up in the morning. Neighborhoods beside
neighborhoods, nothing but small pieces setting on foundations.

I did finally see good video, rather then a photo, of the big well, and the
quick image I seen before was misleading. It received a direct hit,
completely crushed and destroyed, nothing there. Who knows where the
meteorite is.

The low death rate is truely, truely amazing. I am glad I have a basement.

It appears that 60% destruction was a very low figure. Current estimate is

Received on Sat 05 May 2007 11:34:07 PM PDT

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