[meteorite-list] Wanted to BUY - Ghubara

From: David & Kitt Deyarmin <bobadebt_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 4 May 2007 17:10:03 -0500
Message-ID: <005f01c78e98$f72a0d90$aff33842_at_David>

I recently purchased a 797 gram Ghubara with the intent of making one 50mm
sphere and then slicing the rest up for resell.

I received it today but unfortunately it is not thick enough to produce a
50mm sphere, so I will have to return it to the seller.

This was a big disappointment since I really like the way it looks so now I
will have to try to find another source for this material.

If you have a piece that you think will be large enough to produce a 50mm
sphere please email me directly at bobadebt _at_ ec.rr.com

If you have a piece that is too large but have no way to cut it we can work
something out, since I have a large saw and can cut specimens up to 5 inches

Received on Fri 04 May 2007 06:10:03 PM PDT

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